its about to go down

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now the girls got off the plane and  just so yall know Bre and Choel have beef . oka Bre and Choel know each other from 6th garde Choel was messy a drama starter and always thought that she was a gay hoe because when she turned 8 she developed breast which wasnt her thing and start to wear bigger size clothes to make herself looked flat chest. but  the day before Spring break the school had a water fight or you got to play b-ball or whatever so Breuna set down and was talking to Ray Prince Roc and G and Jay then choel pored a bucket of water on her then this happened:::: .

bre in tighs

blue: the other black girl

first white girl


second white girl her groupy

a TOMBOY or a GirlyGirly(staring:D2K MINDLESSB. LIL TWIST KIRKO BANGZ AND OTHERSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum