End of Us - Mark Santos

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If only I have one more time with you to spend
Maybe I can ask you the things I could not apprehend
You left me this question “Why, why did it all end?”
This heart of mine’s too bruised, too broken to be mend
Truly, nothing hurts more than losing your bestfriend

When I’m with you, time passes on by much faster
Even though my life feels like a disaster
To know you’re by my side makes my burdens lighter
You never cease to make my day better
There's nothing in this world that compared to you would be greater

My experience with you has been a rollercoaster ride
I’m thankful that for years you stayed by my side
You left and tore my heart open wide
Now there’s nothing to do with these feelings but hide
Keep everything to myself inside

When you left, I was at the peak of loneliness
You took the sun and left me with darkness
My mind became full of chaos and madness
Who would ever thought that my friend would cause me sadness
Even so, I hope you find your pursuit of happiness

There’s still a lot that I want to tell you
Up to now, on our memories I still dwell
With you gone, life seems to be an absolute hell
Goodluck with your life, may you always be well
My beloved friend, I bid my last farewell

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