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Luke 4:18-19

Psalm 65:11
- What are you going to believe God for in 2019?
- This is the year the Lord gives you freedom. Walk in freedom.
- Anything you put in the hands of God, he will bless it.

Matthew 14:22-27
- In this world you will have trouble, but take courage.
- The struggle we walk to strengths is for the future.
- Today struggle is tomorrow's strength.
- God does not want you to just go through it, he wants you grow better from it.
- God is trying to teach you something when you're going through the storm.
- Never let the pressure of the storm doubt the presence of God.
- Our place of desperation is the place of revelation.

2 Timothy 1:7
- Don't let fear keep you back from going into the light.

Matthew 14:28-29
- You can't live the right life with the wrong friends.

Matthew 14:30-31
- Walk by faith, not by sight.
- What is your step?

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