Part 1: Crowley (Aziraphale)

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i binged good omens, then again, and so here this is because i couldnt stop thinking about them switching bodies. like. youre telling me crowley wouldnt at least LOOK??? anyway this is (planned to be) a three-parter, whenever i have the time to write, but enjoy this for now! it's crowley sinning. of course. and yeah, title is beatles song but i thought itd be funny bc aziraphale calls crowley dear a lot and dear is close to darl... nvm


Crowley hadn't meant to end up like this. He'd had a bit of time to kill before meeting up with Aziraphale again, and so he had headed back to the bookshop- still disguised as Aziraphale- as both had agreed before meeting up in the park. You know, to throw the angels and demons off their scent, confirm there wasn't any funny business going on.

Well, there was funny business going on, now that Crowley had a few hours to kill and had collapsed in Aziraphale's bed to take a nap; shoving his smugness- or do good ness- in all those angels' faces really took it out of him, but what a great job he had done- and he assumed Aziraphale had done. Hopefully this would lose the other side for, say, another couple thousand years so he had more time to hang out with Aziraphale- uh, mess with humans, avert apocalypses, all that fun stuff.

Speaking of Aziraphale and funny business, Aziraphale's scent snapped Crowley out of his train of thought, as he turned his head to bury his nose in the sheets. He would rather die than let Aziraphale see him doing this, but he couldn't help it as the delightful smell of the angel filled his senses.

"No, no, I know what you smell like..." His own words came back to him, as he remembered admitting to Aziraphale's face that he knew his smell and both of them brushing right over it. Aziraphale brushing right over it. As he had been brushing over them for thousands of years- but to be fair, the boy had just named his Hellhound, so they had more pressing issues.

He sighed heavily into the sheets, warm breath fanning out over them as he relaxed into the scent, thinking about his ang- um, the angel and how he was doing in Hell, and then at Crowley's place. He hoped Aziraphale wouldn't do anything annoyingly angelic like give sympathy to his plants- it's undemonic and he has worked hard to make those plants grow perfectly.

It's cute, Aziraphale's tendency for good, although Crowley would never admit that to him. No, he's a demon, he's not nice- "Nice is a four-letter word," his words come back to him again as he thinks about the time he pinned the cute angel against the wall, his offense his excuse to do so. How Aziraphale's body had felt against his, how Crowley could see the angel flush and eyes almost flick down to his mouth-

Before he could think about what he was essentially fantasizing about, Crowley felt his- Aziraphale's- cock hardening in those dumb white pants. He sat up immediately, guilt washing over him as he tried to forget about the angel's scent, the memory of pushing him up against the wall, hands gripping that coat tight and body pressed snug against the other's-

"No, no, no, I can't, it's not mine- not my body- can't do that to him," Crowley murmured to himself as he desperately tried to think about anything else, unsexy things- the demons, Hastur and his stupid frog face, Beelzebub and their flies, then the dumb angels who tried to burn his precious angel alive, his precious angel who switched bodies with him, went down to Hell for him, who he's pined after for thousands of years to get little brushes of his skin against the angel's whenever he can-

Before Crowley realizes it, he's thinking about Aziraphale again, and his cock is only harder. He could take a cold shower, but that would require getting naked, and- and-

He knew it was a massive violation of trust and privacy, at the very least. He knew Aziraphale would never jerk off in Crowley's body, because of his angelic good sense and all that nonsense, and part of trusting Crowley in his body was trusting him not to touch his body- inappropriately- despite being a demon- but the voices telling him this is probably (definitely) wrong become quieter as his cock throbs in his pants, thinking about the angel.

And so he hadn't meant to end up like this, he told himself, as he slid his- Aziraphale's- hand down to the crotch of his pants, rubbing against his hard cock. He let out a moan in Aziraphale's voice, if only to hear what his cute angel would sound like if he let Crowley put his hands on him- and became even hotter as he pressed harder against his crotch. It was almost a circle of arousal, as Crowley would think about Aziraphale, rub the right way against his cock, remember that that was Aziraphale's cock and Aziraphale's moans coming out of his mouth and get him even hotter, causing him to press harder against his cock.

He paused, breathless, to lie down in the bed, head tilted to catch Aziraphale's scent as he rocked his hips up against his hand, moans leaving his mouth at a steady rate now. He wondered if- when they met up again- if Aziraphale would invite Crowley back to the bookstore, back to this very bed, spread his legs and let Crowley go to town on him-

Crowley let out a particularly high-pitched moan as he thought about Aziraphale, naked on the bed and begging for him, and so he unzipped his pants to take his cock out- wouldn't do to ruin his pants, would it? (although he'd like to see what the angel looked like cumming in his pants, such a profane act)- and admire it. Concerns about his friend's privacy melted away as he stared at the cock in his hand, how the head was all dark and wet with precum, how he'd like to pin Aziraphale down and suck the angel's cock down his throat-

He gasps and tilts his head back as his hand wraps more firmly around his cock, another moan leaving his mouth as he slowly starts jerking his hand, using the dribbling precum to lube up the sides of his cock.

"Aziraphale," he finds himself moaning into the sheets, toes curling as he moves his hand faster and tries not to think about the fact that this is his best friend's body.

It's too hot in Aziraphale's sheets, in his bed, and Crowley's getting too flustered thinking about him and Aziraphale in bed together. Crowley- well, he's already jerking himself off, how much more of Aziraphale's privacy can he violate- removes his hand to start quickly unbuttoning things, undoing things, to reveal bit by bit more and more of his beautiful angel's body, until his chest is bared and his pants and underwear are pulled down to his thighs. Of course he could miracle the clothes away, but the promise of flesh as he unravels the layers of clothing bit by bit, like a present- Crowley moans again as his hand wraps around his cock, and his other hand drifts up his body to pinch a nipple. To his delight, a pleasurable jolt goes through his body and his hips buck up of their own accord, cock almost slapping against his stomach, and oh how he wishes he could pin the angel down, touch his chest and neck and explore his body, seeing what makes him tick and moan and cry out Crowley's name-

"Oh, fuck, fuck, shit, fuck-" Crowley moans out, although the curse words sound wrong in his angel's voice but he's losing himself in the fantasy of undoing the angel's clothes and sucking on his neck and teasing his nipples until-

His thumb catches on the head of his cock and he cries out as it slips over the sensitive slit, his other hand tugging at an almost sore nipple and- and-

He starts to lose himself as he can feel himself get close, thoughts of guilt now completely from his mind as images of Aziraphale under him, naked, desperate and wanting fill his mind, and he bucks up into his fist as he calls out Aziraphale's name in his own voice, cum spurting through his fingers to land on his stomach.

Soon his cock is too sensitive and he lets go, reality coming back to Crowley as he opens his eyes to look down at the mess he's made on Aziraphale's body.

"Oh, dear," he murmurs, sounding more like his dear angel in that moment than himself as he miracles away the- mess- to put his clothes back on and actually be ready for his meeting. He's sure enough time has passed that he can go meet Aziraphale, but how he'll face him, looking at him in Crowley's body and then back in this body, knowing that he just jerked o-

He shakes his head, buttoning and redoing things until he's presentable enough, then leaves the shop to meet Aziraphale.

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