"What was that all about Anchin?" Kiyohime says from the door.

"It seems that Louis has to pay a visit back home and I got to go with her. You and mom have to stay here, and don't cause trouble" I tell her.

"I won't, anything for you Anchin" Kiyohime says with a smile before leaving again.

"Now hurry up and dress me" Louise tells me.

"Ok ok I'm dressing you" I replied.

After I dressed Louise, Louise and I left the building and found Eleonore with a very clueless Siesta standing next to her at the entrance to the academy. Behind the both of them were two carriages, one being plain brown and the other being fancy black one. Eleonore puts me and Siesta in the brown carriage while Eleonore and Louise went in the black carriage. Now, Me and Siesta are sitting next to each other quietly as we are taken to Louise's house.

"It's a little tight in here" I say.

"Yes, but I'm fine with it since you're here" Siesta replies.

Siesta then yawns as if she was tired and her eyes became droopy "Did you not get enough sleep last night?" I ask her.

"I'm afraid not, I was up almost all night last night" Siesta says with a sleepy face.

"Put your head here" I say while patting my lap "Take a little nap then"

Without a reply from her, Siesta falls into my lap and she folds her legs up a bit so that she could fit on the seat. She snuggles her head into my lap as she faces away from me. Unknown to me, as I though she fell asleep she has a smile of victory on her face.

{Time Skip}

After almost a day's ride, it is now night time. We arrived at Louise's house and it was bigger, and fancier then Count Mott's house. Once we got out of the carriages and went inside, we were greeted by a line of maids and a line of butlers. Eleonore was infront of us, Louise was following her with me and Siesta behind her.

"Welcome home, Ms. Eleonore and Ms. Louise" The maids and butlers say at once.

In front of us, standing in front of a classic two way mansion stairs was a woman who looked like a more grown up and 'mature' Louise.

"Welcome home, Little Louise" The woman says.

"Cattleya!" Louise shouts with a smile before running into the arms of the woman and hugging her "It's been a long time Cattleya!"

"Louise, let me have a good look of your face" Cattleya says, Louise separates from the hug and looks up at Cattleya "My, you've become so beautiful"

"How have you been?" Louise asks Cattleya.

"Thank you for worrying for me, nothing has changed" Cattleya "Don't worry, it's the usual"

Part 2.

After having to watch a dinner that was a argument more or less that was started by Louise's sister Eleonore. Now I sit on the floor of the basement with a blanket on a straw mattress.

"What's with everyplace having a straw mattress for me to lay on?, I'm not a dog for gods sake" I say.

Derflinger lifts up from his sheath a bit as he laid up against a wall "Hey partner, I feel the presence of that bow again from the church"

The Familiar Of Zero: Dragon (x male reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن