Chapter 2

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I go back to my car and grab my luggage to take it upstairs. Well, I try to. My bags are all pretty heavy and I sigh, realizing I'll never get them up the stairs in one trip.

"Hey!", I hear from behind me and turn to see a guy jogging towards me. He's kinda short, pale, and has light orange-ish hair. He's also extremely cute.

"Do you need help?", he asks, stopping, out of breath.

"Oh, um, sure! That'd be great, thank you.", I say, surprised. Once he's caught his breath, I hand him a suitcase and smaller bag, grab the rest of my luggage, and start up the stairs.

"I'm Patrick, by the way. Patrick Stump", he says.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sadie", I reply, sliding my key into the lock and pushing the door open.

"Nice!", he exclaims, looking around my new room. I set my stuff down and survey it. It's fairly large, with a window on either side of the front door. There's one big room, then a small hallway leading to a back door with the bathroom on one side and a smaller room-I can already tell it's going to be my walk in closet- on the other. I ccan't wait to get unpacked an settled in.

"So what's your major?", Patrick asks, breaking the silence.

"English. You?", I ask.

"Same!", he exclaims, his eyes lighting up. He gives me an excited little hug, and I try to return it but recoil when he hits the tender spot on my back.

"You okay?", he pulls away, worried.

"Yeah, sorry. It's just, I got my first tattoo on the way here, and it's still pretty sore", I blush. I've been contemplating the decision for months, and I finally decided to go for it. I got a small tattoo of a Gemini symbol, which is my horoscope, on my left shoulder blade.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I get excited easily sometimes. Can I see it?", Patrick asks, and I nod. I turn around and pull down the collar of my shirt so he can see it.

"That's cool! Gemini, right?", he observes. I nod and turn back around.

"It's my horoscope. Do you have any tattoos?", I ask.

"No, but my three best friends do. My friend Andy's almost covered in them.", he says, and I wince, hoping this Andy guy has a high pain tolerance.

"Hey would you want to meet them? We're meeting at the campus diner for dinner in a while, you could come with", he says suddenly, his eyes brightening. He is too dang cute.

"Are you sure they'd want me there?", I ask hesitantly. Of course I'd love to meet them, but I don't want to barge in on their plans.

"Of course! I'll let you unpack and be back to pick you up in 45 minutes. You're coming.", Patrick says, and leaves before I have a chance to protest. Not that I really want to.

I chuckle, he's very friendly, which is wonderfully surprising. I hope his friends really don't mind if I go along with them. I shake my head and start unpacking. I've got some work to do.

University (a Fall Out Boy/ Panic! At the Dicso fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now