Gradually getting up from the coffee bar I made my return to my group and that is then when I saw a bright blue plane with the distinctive letters, "KLM" splashed across the body slide next to the jet way. Our journey was to continue, onward back to Los Angeles and to our home!

     The flight landed in Los Angeles thirteen hours later and eight hours in the past. The sunny summer SoCal weather gently hung in the air as we made our way from the international terminals to the domestic terminals. Upon exiting the international gate, and clearing TSA, we made the trek back through midday LAX. As we gathered our bearings of where we needed to go, we bid farewell to Ryan as he left to go back to college at Santa Clarita. We each got a hug in, except Mike, and Ryan departed.

     The group made our way towards our gate and Mike found seats nearby, we each chose seats and relaxed. I asked Jon to watch my bags as I made my way over to the large windows next to our terminal. I peered out on the palm trees and the large US bank tower and other skyscrapers rising out of downtown Los Angeles. I was underwhelmed by the sprawling metropolis sprawled out before me. Don't get me wrong, it was quite a sight but nothing compared to Africa.

     I made my way back to my chair and started flipping through my phone deciding who I could call. I decided to call one of my best friends Lucas and ask how he's doing. I hit call and the phone rang for a few moments then I was met with the following,

     "DUDE! NATE! Where are you now!?"

     "Hey Luke, I'm in LA waiting for our flight."

     "LA huh? That's pretty sweet!"

     "When do you leave for Nebraska?" He asked

     "In a few hours, we have one more layover in Las Vegas then back to Omaha." I explained.

     "Sweet, sweet... Well man, I hope you have a good flight the rest of the way, praying for you."

     "Thanks man, I'll see you when I see you!"

     "PEACE!" Lucas bellowed before hanging up.

     The next few hours drifted on as we waited. Finally around 5pm our Southwest flight was at the jet way awaiting passengers to ferry to Las Vegas. We made our way onto the aircraft and found our seats. I sat next to the aisle with Jon next to me with Mike next to the window. The ladies sat across from us and Ryan got a seat next to some other passengers.

     Flight attendants went through their normal spiel about seatbelts and exits on the craft. They then mentioned our seats and how they can be used as flotation devices. I wanted to bravely blurt out,

     "You want us to use this as a floatation device between Los Angeles and Las Vegas? And where pray tell is there a body of water between those two cities?"

     However, I decided against that act of foolishness and kept my mouth closed while the attendant performed their job.

     Familiar humming then began resounding throughout the cabin and our plane positioned itself at the beginning of the takeoff lane. We accented quickly and was greeted by a full view of the Pacific Ocean. Our plan then careened to a northeast heading and began making our quick transfer to Las Vegas.

     Night had fallen upon us as the cityscape of Las Vegas came into view. Large buildings with bright luminescent lights shone through the dark night. That is when I noticed Mike, his head had been resting above the window as he rested. His head was now in a constant state of movement swiveling forwards and backwards, I was nervous that he was going to retch on Jon on I. He managed to power thorough it but, He looked pale and I was worried about my friend and leader of our group. Our plane landed and we made our way off the plane and was greeted with as many flashing lights as were on the Vegas strip.

     Mike motioned us to begin moving as we only had less than hour for a layover so we began power walking through McCarran airport. The symphony of slot machines carried heavy through the air. As we turned down a hallway I noticed different displays of items. I saw boxing gloves, old Las Vegas signage, and other memorabilia encased on either side of the long hallways that led to our gate.

    Once again we boarded our plane. The lack of other passengers allowed us to spread out to our own row of seats. I sprawled my exhausted body across the three seat row and let my body decompress as I listened to a playlist of indy music on my headphones. I tried to sleep but my body never wanting to rest in an unfamiliar place clung to consciousness. I shut my eyes and suddenly I was back. Back in Africa, out on the Pilansberg savannah  and I could feel the bright sun on the nape of my neck. I could see the beautiful mountains on the horizon. I could smell the trees. I was back...

     I jolted awake and I peered out the window

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     I jolted awake and I peered out the window. Darkness covered the land below but I could still make out streetlights which what I could only assume was Omaha. We began our decent and made our way off of the aircraft. That is when the humidity of Nebraska hit me. Breathing became labored and my skin stared to produce beads of sweat that began trickling down my body. I felt disgusting. After our bodies adjusted to the atmosphere, we made our way to baggage claim and claimed our belongings, thankfully none of bags were lost on this long voyage. Exiting the terminal, we made our way down the hallway towards the entrance of the airport. We were met by Kevin and Erik, two elders from our church. We greeted them and followed them to the church van that would take us home.

     I helped load our bags in the back of the van and we all began entering. I sat in the middle seat next to Mike. The elders began talking to Mike about the trip but my brain was so far gone from the present, I could barely hearing what they were discussing. The familiar road stretched out before us as we made our way back to Columbus. We stopped first at Jon's home outside of town and said our goodbyes as he made his way into his home. As we entered Columbus I was told I would be dropped off next at my mother's house. I nodded unenthusiastically.

     We pulled up into the driveway and I exited the van and headed to the back to retrieve my bags. Everyone said goodbye and I waved as they pulled out and made their way down the street. I approached the house door and before I could ring the doorbell my mom swung open the door to let me in. I walked in and was greeted with questions about the trip. I answered some but I told my mom that I needed to go rest. I headed into the guest room and fell backwards onto the bed. I don't know when I hit the bed, it felt like I was falling forever. It was the best sleep I had gotten in the past week. Africa a distant memory as I slumbered half the day away.

     I headed back to my home and began unpacking both my clothes and my thoughts of the past week. God has blessed me with such a grand adventure in which He's grown me as a man. I thank Him for this opportunity He provided and the ability to love on children half a world away. All the glory of this week belongs to Him!

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