Nicki: Hey hot stuff what are you doing in the corner humming and bobing your head??????

Rih: Writing a song

Rih looks up to see a huge grin on Nicki's face

Nicki: Will i get to hear it someday?????

Rih: Of course you will, it is about you after all

Nicki: Awwwww Robs that's too sweet

Rih: Thanks Nika

Nicki: Awww that's even cuter i need to kiss you so bad for this right now so be prepared to be yelled at and pulled into my office

Rih: Ok but what am i getting yelled at for

Nicki: Using your phone, so text melissa and hava little converstion  then ill bust you

Rih: Alright (Winky face)

Nicki: LOL your too cute

Rih: I know

Rih texts Mel and they have a little converstion for a few Minuets and then Nicki stand in front of her desk and says

Nicki: Robyn Fenty what on earth do you think you are doing texting in my class

Rih: I.... but...i...... (Gets cut off) 

Nicki: In my office now and bring your phone wiht you since you think texting is much more needed then learning

Rih: But.......

Nicki: NOW Miss Fenty (Points to the door)

Rih gets up from the floor and puts her phone inher back pocket and makes her way across the room to Nicki ad they go in the office and Nicki locks the door and they imeadietly laugh their asses off. 

Nicki: You played along really well my dear!!!!!!

Rih: Why thank you Nika

Nicki: (Gets butterfiles when Rih says that) God your accent and the way you say Nika make me want to do so many bad things to you right now

Rih: (Laughs) Well what are you going to about it

Nicki: This

Nicki pushes Rih on her desk and and hovers over her then kisses Rih and she grabs Rih by her hips and turns them over so Rih is sitting on Nicki's lap and Nicki wraps her arms around Rih's waist, they kiss a little while longer, Nicki ended up taking Rih's hoodie off and leaving a hickey on her colarbone claiming her territory. Nicki stops and grabs Rih's hoodie off the floor and hands it to her and starts yelling at her again in case the class is listening then say's to giver her her phone so it looks like she got in trouble but she will get it back at the end of the period.

Nicki: Hey when do you have lunch?????

Rih: 6th period why??????

Nicki: Do you want to ccome soend lunch with me ........ in my office (Bites lip)

Rih: I would love to Nika

Nicki: Good cause i have something to ask you, now lets go back to class my dear

Rih walks out with a sad and pissed expression on her face and goes back to her corner where she was and turns her back to Nicki so it looks like she is mad at her, Nicki comes out with Rih's phone in her hand and a smile on her face, she puts the phone in her desk and sits down and looks over to Rih to see her back twards her and frowns to herself cuz now she can't see th beautiful face of her's.   The bell rings a little while later and Roh and Mel stay behind so she can get her phone and they then head off to their next class together. 6th period rolls around and Rih tells Mel that Miss Maraj wants to see her this period and Mel just laughs and says " Go ahead love bird" Rih shakes her head at her and walks to Nicki's room, Rih walks into the room and Nicki notices that it's Rih and walks to the door and locks it then takes Rih's backpack and throws it on her desk and takes Rih's hand and leads her into her office. Nicki sits on her desk and tells Rih to come here with her finger, so Rih walks over  to Nicki and Nicki picks her up and places her on her lap sideways. Rih changes it up a bit and turns to face Nicki and wraps her legs around her waist and kisses her, Nicki pulls her closer into her an lays back on her desk. Again Nicki leaves another hickey on Rih's collarbone and Rih leaves 3 on Nicki. They mess around for a while and Nicki pulls away from the kiss but kisses her one more time

Nicki: Um........ Robyn???

Rih: Yea Nika?????

Nicki: I was wondering ummmmmmm if you wanted to be uhhhh my girlfriend......... (looks down)

Rih: (Lifts Nicki's head up and kisses her with passion) I wouldn't want anything else in the world Nika

Nicki: Awwwwww you make me so happy Robs, you don't even know it (Kisses Rih) I love you Robs

Rih: I love you too Nika

Nicki: Ughhhhhhh the way you say my name like that girl drives me crazy

Rih: (laughs) I Know, but you love it (Kisses Nicki)

Nicki: That i do (Smiles)

They make out the rest of the class period in Nicki's desk chair with Rih in her lap. Rih kisses Nicki goodbye and tells her that she will see her at soccer practice. Now you way be wondering why Nicki has a office in her classroom in a highschool, well the office is right next door and there are 2 doors in her office one that leads to her room and another that leads to the main office, the reason Nicki has a office in her room is that she is also the principal of the school too so her dating Rih is no problem cuz she can't get in trouble. One thing that Nicki doesn't know is that Rih has a record deal with Def Jam but they agreed that she can stay in school and in barbados till they need her out in New york, she has put 2 albums out and she is looking around for her next one but want's to change her image because she deosn't like what the lable has planed for her. Rih is going to have to leave Barbados and Nicki soon and she knows it gonna crush both of them. Rih has been doing concerts on and off while in school and she did a lot of concerts in Barbados, Everyone in the school knows about her except Nicki.

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