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The rest of the car ride was silent. How the fuck do I fall into her trap every time. I dropped her off at her house and she got out. Before closing the car door she looked at me.



"What do you mean goodbye?" Billie said with a tone.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm cutting you out of my life." I said with a blank stare.

"What?!" Billie started crying. Fuck I hate seeing her sad.

"I'm sorry."

Before I knew it Billie had slammed the door shut and ran back to her house. Welp. I feel horrible but it needed to be done. She was too toxic to handle.


Billie's p.o.v

The past week I had gone full depression mode. Kirai fucking ruined me. I'm going on tour soon. Maybe I could forget about Kirai a bit. Kirai blocked me on Instagram and probably deleted my number. Me, on the other hand, couldn't let go. I can't. It's Kirai. I rolled off my bed so I could get my notebook. I write all my feelings in it. If anyone would see it I would kill them on the spot. I go way too deep in that notebook. I started writing aggressively. I was writing about Kirai and what she did to me. I started playing some chords on my electric piano and started singing. Wow, this is kind of a bop. I recorded myself and got back on my phone. I went on my feed when I saw a fan page of Kirai. Yeah, she has fans now. It was a picture of her I hadn't seen before. She was so beautiful. She was smiling. She doesn't care, does she? That I'm gone. She couldn't give less fucks. I felt tears roll down my face again. Fuck. Don't u dare cry again Billie. I finally gave in and took out a flask from under my bed. (why do I find that funny ahshshsj) I started chugging the alcohol down. I must look like a fucking pathetic bitch right now. Everything went a little blurry from there. I remember going out and doing something. Not sure what but suddenly I woke up in a jail cell. Wait, what the fuck!


Kirai's p.o.v

Even if I had cut Billie out of my life I couldn't stop thinking about her. I sighed when my phone suddenly started buzzing. I clicked accept.

* 2-minute skip

"Okay, I'll be there in 5 minutes." I said before hanging up. I just got called by the police. They informed me that Billie got arrested for stealing. What the fuck is she doing?! I sighed. Geezus why am I always the one who needs to help her out? I got in my car and drove to the place. I paid. Yes, I repeat, I PAID for Billie. She came out with her head down. She followed me to my car. The moment she got in I started screaming at her.

"What the fuck Billie!" she didn't answer.

"Why did you do that!"

"You can't always expect me to do everything for you!" Billie started crying.

"I did it for you!" She yelled with a shaky voice.

"I did it for you, okay!?"

She did it for me? Did she steal for me? Wtf...

"Why the fuck would you-"

"Because I can't forget about you" Billie's head was still down. She was crying. God fucking dammit. What the fuck am I supposed to do now huh? I love her but I can't. I can't do it. I have lily and she's the best girlfriend ever. She's supportive, loving and not toxic. The only thing is she isn't Billie. The rest of the drive was silent. I didn't know what to say back. We arrived at her house but before she got out I started talking.

"Billie. Im sorry if I hurt you."

Billie nodded.

"You did. But it's okay"

"Alright. Get out of my car" I joked. Billie chuckled and hopped out. I hope she's gonna be okay.


(editor's note)

This is kind of a filler chapter but yeah sum shit is gonna go tf down. Lmao. also this chapter sucks im sorry

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