Zodiac Signs as : Harry Potter Spells

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Zodiac Signs as : Harry Potter Spells

Aries : Bombarda Maxima - creates an explosion

Taurus : Imperio - controls the opponent 

Gemini :  Silencio - mutes the opponents

Cancer : Protego - Barriers that offers protection 

Leo : Expelliarmus - disarms the opponent

Virgo : Episkey - heals wounds

Libra : Cantis - makes the victim sings uncontrollably 

Scorpio : Avada Kedavra - kills the opponent 

Sagittarius : Alohamora - unlocks doors

Capricorn : Reparo - repairs broken things

Aquarius : Aparecium - makes invisible ink  readable

Pisces : Obliviate - erases memory 


A/N : Sorry guys ! I haven't been updating for awhile and school had started so , pretty much expect some slow updates as well as , random dates . Anyways , thank you guys for 13.4k reads ! I truly appreciate it  and as a token I will add some music as well make one shot story for all the K-pop lovers out there . Just write down the group , genre , ship and username for a chance to get a shout out . Well , cha ~ ! 

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