Rosemary glanced back down at her lap and put Susan's letter away before her eyes landed on the other letter that was sitting in her lap. She nervously bit her lip, trying to hide the small smile that was growing on her face before she gave in and ripped the envelope open.

A grin immediately graced her face as her eyes flickered over the familiar handwriting that belonged to Edmund Pevensie and her heart ached from the longing she suddenly felt from just thinking of the boy.

My love-

I'm happy that you are finally able to visit Peter and Susan. Although I wish it were us you were visiting, as long as you are happy, I will be too.

Besides, you don't want to visit Lucy and I in Cambridge anyways. As I'm sure you know by now, Eustace can be quite annoying and would ruin the visit anyways so it's probably best you don't come.

Maybe I can convince Aunt Alberta and Uncle Harold to allow Lucy and I to come visit you for a long weekend sometime soon. It's highly unlikely, but it's worth a shot if there's even the slightest chance I will be able to see you again.

I miss you immensely, Rosemary. Not a day goes by where I don't think about you and how I wish you were here by my side. Makes me wish we hadn't listened to Peter and had just stayed in Narnia with Caspian. At least then I would be in a place that I loved with the woman that I loved.

Cambridge is dreadfully dull. I'd rather sit through a lecture with Macready than spend another minute in this town. Everyone thinks they are better just because most of them are in the army.

It drives me crazy sometimes. I'm a king after all. I've fought more battles and lead more armies than any of them combined, so how come I can't even enlist to help the war effort? How come I have to stay back and watch men with little to no experience go risk their lives?

I'm sorry. I got a little frustrated and started to ramble.

I'm sure you're well on your way to America by now. There should be a letter waiting for you from me when you arrive. Enjoy your stay with Peter and Susan. I know you've missed them.

I love you more than you can imagine and hope that I will be able to tell you that in person some day soon.

Your Eddie

Rosemary let in a shaky breath before a breathy chuckle escaped her lips. She was quick to wipe away the stray tear that had fallen as she put the letter away.

This always happened whenever she read a letter from Edmund. She would get emotional and homesick, her whole being wanting nothing more than to be with him right in that moment. It only got worse as time went by.

Luckily for her, Rosemary didn't get much time to dwell on the subject like usual because the train was coming to a stop at the station. The brunette quickly shoved her things into her bag before strapping it onto her back and picking up her suitcase.

She was practically sprinting off of the train, tapping her foot impatiently whenever someone took their sweet time getting out of their seats and hogging up the aisle. Eventually she was able to get to the doors of the train and Rosemary stepped off with a huge grin on her face, her eyes immediately flickering over the sea of people as she searched for a familiar set of blonde or even dark brown locks.

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