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I went out busking on an early Saturday morning, I saw the prettiest girl ever. she looked around 17 years old. she didn't look like the snobby, know it all type. she didn't wear the latest fashion, she wore skinny jeans, a tank top and a pair of Chuck Taylors.

I kept on singing and playing and she gave me a dollar note, she looked at me with puppy eyes and looked through her small pink beaded purse and found four more one dollar bills.

I smiled and struggled on the lyrics.

I soon finished the song she said it was her favourite.

" Hey, that is my favourite song! secrets by one rrepublic, right?" she said casually.

"Yea" I replied trying to act cool.

"You don't have to act around me, I know you feel bnervous I do to!" she said out of no where.

"Just act your normal self" she whispered with a smile.

"Alright" I said smiling back.

Her smile looked small and frail, but then she gave this huge ear to ear smile and I knew it was real.

"Comon, let's go talk over coffee." she said dragging my arm. I quickly packed up all my gear and walked with her to Starbucks.

After she ordered her coffee, we sat down.

"So, what's your name?" she asked,

"Jake,yours?" I asked nervously, was this a date? or just a normal friends way of 'hanging out'? my first friend ever.

"Maylee" she said sighing,

"That's a nice name, does it mean something?" I asked quietly

"Nah, my mom and dad just thought I suited an exotic name"

"It's beautiful" I said stumbling for right words.

"Well I better go, I have to be home at 12 to look after my younger brother, Daniel" she said standing up and walking out of the store.

As I got up to leave as well I saw she left something, a note on blue paper.

I saw her writing something on blue paper when I was packing up my busking gear. I opened it remembering I still had to read the other note I found in my bag.

'Hey, I don't know your name yet, but I like you :) text me, my numbers on the back' I looked on the back. there it was. I carried on reading, ' let me guess, you just looked on the back? ;) well anyways we should meet up some time. text me! byeeee!! xxx from maylee.'

Her writing was neat and straight, in pink marker on blue paper.

I put the note in my pocket and walked home.

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