Overprotective Who?

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Author's note: Hello everyone. School is over! (Finallly!) Hopefully I'll be able to post more! This was request by @Kirimilliganhadlen . I hope this was you were hoping for. Anyway, this is after Civil War. Everything was made up! Don't worry, our heroes have been forgiven. It is my first Superfamily one-shot AU (Stony). I hope you guys enjoy!

Peter Parker-Stark-Rogers took Civil War pretty rough. Seeing his dad and pops fighting each other really broke his heart. Peter had taken his dad's side. He knew his dad couldn't lose anyone else. He had to be there for him. Finally, the Accords were rewritten and much better. 

The family finally got back together. They were all happy again, and they all agreed on the new Accords. However, one annoying secretary Ross would not give up the old Accords. Peter hated the man with a passion.

Peter was enjoying watching TV with his pops and dad when the elevator dinged. He turned his head to see secretary Ross and his goons walking into the main room. Peter scoffed and tried to ignore the men and women. His spider sense were on high alert though. 

Peter whispered to his dad, "Something is wrong."

Tony took notice how his son was very tensed and yeeted Ross a glare. Steve also noticed his son's tense form and instantly shielded his husband and son from the secretary.

Ross had enough of the happy family and decided now would be a good time to talk. 

"Go away," Peter cut Ross off before he could even speak, "You're not wanted here."

Ross was so flabbergasted that he raised his voice, "Steve Stark-Rogers should be in custody. He's been proven a threat when he choose Barnes over the law."

Peter was so done with all this. He stood up, which terrified his parents, and smacked Ross in the  face. All the guns were suddenly pointed at the Parker-Stark-Rogers. 

Tony immediately summoned his suit, and Steve suddenly had his shield in his hand. Ross' goons looked amazed at the shield that came out of nowhere. In truth, Steve has it almost anywhere he goes. He was hiding it under the couch. 

"My pops has been working so hard to be accepted into the public again. He volunteers at soup kitchens, nursing homes and orphanages. My pops visits sick kids in the hospital, allows them to touch the shield and hold it if they want. Just leave us alone!" Peter yelled.

Ross' goons suddenly faced their guns to Ross surprising everyone. Ross looked terrified as Steve Motherhen Stark-Rogers and Tony Helicopter Parent Stark-Rogers checked over their son to make sure he wasn't injured.

Ross spoke, "Why?"

One of Ross' goons replied, "The kid has a point."

Steve and Tony shielded his son as Ross glared at him.

"I'll get you kid. It will be the worst day of your life," Ross spoke menacely as a smoke bomb went off.

Everyone started coughing. When the smoke disappeared, Ross was gone, and a window was shattered.

"Well wasn't that interesting?" a janitor that had the name tag, 'Stan Lee' on it asked.

Tony and Steve were not letting their son out of their sight until Ross was caught.

On the news the next morning, Ross was reported a wanted fugitive.

Author's note: Thanks my lovely readers for reading! I hope you enjoyed.-Cem 

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