The Rat Race (Ratbeard's 1st Promotion)

Start from the beginning

They then went back aboard The Majestic Falcon and sailed over to Flotsam. After docking there, they went down to The Black Spot Tavern. One-Eyed Jack greets Seamus politely as he takes notice of Ratbeard, "Hello again, Seamus. You and Ratbeard sorted out your differences, I see. Piracy makes strange bedfellows. And if I'm right, Ratbeard must've come here looking for his blade."

"Aye, now where is it?" Ratbeard asks a bit cross. "Don't get cross, I only bought it to keep it safe for you! It's the least I could do for old friends." Jack assures, "I put it in one of my rental properties, a cabin not far from here. Enjoy! And don't worry, I'll claim my favor later."

Feeling eager, Ratbeard thanks One-Eyed Jack and went along with Seamus and the crew to the rental cabin. To his joy, Ratbeard found his favorite blade by the wall at the end of the cabin. "At long last, I've got my blade back! Har! Har! Now Seamus, let's-" Then he got interrupted by a familiar voice.

It's Lasko, Ratbeard's first mate whom asked Seamus while in spirit form to stop Ratbeard from taking Gunn's Gold now came to deal with him, along with three angry ghosts

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It's Lasko, Ratbeard's first mate whom asked Seamus while in spirit form to stop Ratbeard from taking Gunn's Gold now came to deal with him, along with three angry ghosts. 

"Poisoned??? I never poisoned ye! I just meant to put you to sleep, not

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"Poisoned??? I never poisoned ye! I just meant to put you to sleep, not... well, 'to put you to sleep.'" Ratbeard frightfully tries to assure, seeing that Lasko's a ghost wanting revenge. Seamus on the other hand, says to Lasko, "I'm sorry, I had to do it, the Waponis betrayed him."

"I don't care! He still killed me and me shipmates, they may have their eternal rest, but now I'm the one who still can't go to the spirit world. Now my new friends and I will punish you!" Lasko sounded serious.

Lasko and the ghosts charged at Ratbeard and Seamus, whom the latter blocked the attack with his shield. Then, Seamus slashes his sabre through one of the ghosts, only to get hit back with some ghostly bolts. Old Scratch then intervenes by using his magic to banish the three ghosts, yet it didn't affect Lasko.

Lasko was clashing swords with Ratbeard, and he seems to be winning. Then Seamus uses Valor's sheild on Ratbeard to increase protection from damage. And once Ratbeard beats Lasko, the rat spirit vanishes. 

Seamus, Itzen Kaan and Emmett heal Ratbeard of his wounds (while Seamus heals himself with Emmett's help). But Ratbeard is not feeling victorious, for he is muttering to himself, "I'm so sorry, Lasko."

"What's wrong?" Egg Shen asks worryingly, with Seamus and the rest of the crew feeling the same emotion. Ratbeard then answers with despair, "It's just that I thought getting me old kit and sword back'd make me feel like a new rat but... after hearing what became of me old crew..."

"But didn't you do it?" Frida asks. "Yeah, we saw them dead in Traitor's Cave and their ghosts told us that you poisoned them." Seamus adds.

"I'd never have harmed a hair on those boys' heads. Oh, I'd trick 'em out o' their share of the treasure, but that's just pirating." Ratbeard tries to explain, "Let's get back to the Majestic Falcon. I've some thinkin' to do."

Seamus agrees since they still have the silk they promised to give the Monquistan tailor, so they all went back to the ship and as they set sail with Gaspard De Vole at the helm, Ratbeard talks to Seamus along with Frida, Egg Shen, Emmett, Itzen Kaan, Old Scratch, Bonnie Anne and Nanu Nanu.

"I was for sure them drops I bought were Knockout Drops. Somebody else must've slipped me Poison. I intend to find out just who did it, and when I do... there'll be a reckoning." He then turns toward Seamus before he continues, "Till then, I guess I'll try your brand o' pirating. I'm glad to be on your crew Cap'n Seamus. For you've shown me the error o' me old ways."

Seamus nodded and gestured him to the brig where he would change out of his rags and into his best clothes and equipped his favorite blade. When he is done, he got back up deck and is now like this:

Later, they made a short stop at Scrimshaw and sold Ratbeard's rags and rusty old blade (from before) to Bobstay and then finally sailed off to Puerto Mico hoping that the trade treaty will get signed by the Governor when they see him

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Later, they made a short stop at Scrimshaw and sold Ratbeard's rags and rusty old blade (from before) to Bobstay and then finally sailed off to Puerto Mico hoping that the trade treaty will get signed by the Governor when they see him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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