Chapter 1: The New Girl in School

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Narrator's "POV"

Amano Ichigo is in the kitchen with her teammates Kashino, Andou and Hanabusa. They we're making cookies for their next activities.

"Why do we have to bake cookies that we already done that since first year?" Kashino complained while making his chocolate cookies. His specialty is Chocolate.

"Kashino-kun even though we're already learn on making cookies doesn't mean that we're already expert in it." Hanabusa said to Kashino. His specialty is decorating any marzipan.

But Kashino didn't listen obviously and of course they give a cold shoulder towards each other.

"Um... Minna stop that with the cold shoulder because we wouldn't get any A's for today." Andou persuade his teammates so that they can stop fighting. His specialty is Japanese sweets.

"Yeah!! Listen to Andou-kun, Kashino-kun and Hanabusa-kun." Ichigo said to her teammates while making her cookies with strawberries at the top. Her speacialty is unknown.

After that the two of them stop fighting and also they continue in making their cookies but their Sensei interrupted their cooking activities.

"Sorry for the disturbance class, but you would have a new student today. Please introduce yourself." Their Sensei said and the class look at her and also the New Student.

"My name is Kasumi Chloe. I'm from St. Marie Academy at Paris. I was transferred here because of Henri-sensei reccomendation. I hope we could be friendss." Chloe introduced herself and she bow afterwards.

"Since everybody is done baking cookies, could you make your cookies by your own Kasumi-san?" Their Sensei asked.

"It's okay for me Sensei." She's response and she go to the vacant kitchen and she started baking her cookies while everyone is looking at her even the Group A.

Everyone is in awe because of her professional skills in baking her cookies but she didn't bake only cookie she bake 3 dozens of cookies for everyone to eat. After she done baking, she designs her cookies by using any toppings she liked but she choose the plain ones and that's why everyone is confused at her.

"Why she use the chocolate chips?" Andou asked

"Just watch Andou" Kashino response to him that makes Andou stop talking and watching their classmate's bake.

After 10 minutes of decorating, she was done and also she gives cookies to everyone and her classmates was in bliss because of her chocolate chips cookie even though she use the same ingredients as everyone use.

"Wow... I never tasted any cookies that makes me in heaven before." Ichigo was in glee while eating Chloe's Chocolate Chip Cookie.

"Thanks for the compliment Amano Ichigo." Chloe said with a fake smile but Ichigo doesn't see it because she was thought that it was a sweet smile but it's not and so as to the another classmates and so as her teammates.

"How did you know my name, Chloe-chan?" Ichigo asked her

"Henri-sensei always talks you about since he is n Paris." Chloe lied to her but she realize that Ichigo is fallen to her trap.

After they talking, Ichigo sees a sweet spirits in her back and of course Ichigo followed her and she call Chloe.

"Chloe-chan, do you have a sweets spirits?" Ichigoo ask her

"How did youknow that i have a sweets spirits" Chloe asked her

"Because i see it on your back."  Ichigo respense

"*sigh* Cookie, you can come out now." Chloe said to her sweet spirits.

"Wow!!! Kawaiii!!!" Ichigo said in happiness.

"Amano Ichigo, this is my sweets spirit Cookie. Cookie, this is my y classmate Amano Ichigo." Chloe introduced her sweets spirit to Ichigo.

"It's pleasure to meet you Amano Ichigo." Cookie greeted Amano Ichigo.

"It's also my pleasure to meet you Cookie. Cookie and Chloe-chan, this is my sweets spirit Vanilla. Vanilla, this is Kasumi Chloe and her sweet spirits Cookie.

"Nice to meet you Chloe and Cookie." Vanilla also greeted.

"It's also nice meeting you two but we have to go because of important stuff!! See u at class tomorrow, Amano Ichigo." Chloe waved goodbye at her and she started running in different place.

"Ichigo-chan, i have bad feeling of this girl Chloe and her sweets spirit Cookie but i don't know why." Vanilla said to Ichigo but she Ichigo spank Vanilla's head and she's whining in pain.

"Ichigo-chan why do u have to that?!" Vanilla yelled at her.

"You don't have to say that Vanilla. She is a good person and besides she is at the level of Kashino-kun, Hanabusa-kun and Andou-kun." Ichigo said while lowering her head.

"Ichigo-chan don't be like that. Even though you suck at everything, i always at your back and helping you along the way." Vanilla said to her with an encouraging smile.

"Arigatou Vanilla. Yosh!!! Let's practice at the Kitchen after class. Vanilla?" Ichigo said in motivated way and also Vanilla accepts it and they go back to class for their afternoon session.


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