"You're from Brazil...?" Juyeon asked.

"Nope. It's Spain, remember? I was born here then moved to Spain when I was three." he said then looked towards the door. "Took you long enough."

Seohoon entered with Taesil following behind. Seohoon apologized as Taesil wouldn't let him go if he couldn't tag along.

"Anyway, the first to fifty pushups gets treated to dinner." Sam said before getting into position.

Juyeon did the same and waited for Seohoon to give the signal.

"Start!" said Seohoon.

Seohoon and Taesil kept count as they did pushups. After a bit, Juyeon could feel his arms giving out a bit.

"You're so close! Keep going!" one of them said happily.

"And stop! We have a winner." Seohoon said then gave them a moment to catch their breath.

"Alright, who the hell won?" Sam asked a bit out of breath.

"Juyeon." Seohoon said then showed the pieces of paper. "You we're behind by two."

Juyeon cheered happily then high fived Sam. His arms fell to his sides as they felt like noodles. The four of them happily chattered about their hopes for the future with the company then the door suddenly opened.

"Am I interrupting...?" he asked quietly.

"Nah, you're fine Kev. What's up?" said Juyeon.

"Just came to remind you we need to be in the practice room upstairs. By the trophy case." said Kevin as he looked at the others.

Juyeon gave him a nod then watched as he left.

"You know him?" Sam asked curiously.

"Yep. That was my best friend, the one I was about to tell you about." said Juyeon with a smile.


Juyeon scratched his throat as he drank water. The trainers were relentless.

"From the top." she barked then kept her eyes on him.

Kevin and Juyeon rejoined the line then waited for the first key. Everything was going well until someone had gone an octave too low. Everyone was starting to get on edge.

"Again!" she shouted.

They managed to make it through warm ups, but something told him their lesson wouldn't be so easy.

"We're doing harmonies today. One of you will sing in a high octave while your partner sings in a low octave. Then we'll do group harmonies." she said then had them pair up with the person on their left.

Juyeon stood with his partner and it turned out they were both more suited to singing in a low octave. He was a low falsetto while he was more in the middle.

"I guess I'll do the high octave." said Juyeon then cleared his throat.

It was difficult to focus with so many others trying to get their voices to harmonize.

"So this will be your homework for the week. Work with your partner to try and create an almost perfect harmony with each other." she said then sent them off.

"So, let's figure out our schedules for the week and plan around it." Juyeon said as he pulled up his calendar.

They managed to find some time during the week to meet up. They exchanged numbers then conversed about how nerve wracking the actual performance might be. It was reassuring to know most people he had become acquainted with weren't complete assholes. He looked over at Kevin who seemed completely focused on whatever was on his phone.

He quietly walked up to him then gave him a little scare. He freaked out.

"Don't do that!" Kevin said in an annoyed tone.

"Harsh much...? Juyeon said, slightly hurt.

"What is it, Ju? I need to book a seat." Kevin said then went back to his phone.

"Eh, what for?" Juyeon asked as he sat next to him.

"School. Mandatory trip. Everything but transportation fare and spending money is paid for. Inconsiderate assholes..." Kevin spat.

"Do you need money?" he asked softly.

"Who doesn't need money? Ah, this one is cheap... there must be a catch." Kevin muttered. "Never mind..."

Juyeon took his phone then sat on it. Kevin looked at him in disbelief.

"I'm sure my mom would be willing to help you out, Kev. We can call her later and explain the situation." said Juyeon then noticed his hesitance. "What?"

He suddenly lunged at him and soon Juyeon was lying on his back in slight pain.

"Lift up or else I'll get handsy." Kevin threatened.

"Handsy how?" he shot back.

"Do you really want so many witnesses?" said Kevin with a raised eyebrow.

Juyeon rolled his eyes then lifted his body up. As expected, Kevin had taken his phone back.

"We can ask your mom." he said then gave him a smile.


"Dude, I heard a trainee got physical with you earlier? What'd you do to make him so upset?" Sam asked as Juyeon was packing up for the night.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" he asked in confusion.

"Some other guys said they saw you and some guy named Kevin who suddenly attacked you and had you pinned down. What was that about?" he asked.

"What? It was nothing like that. We were playing around." said Juyeon hurriedly. "Who told you?"

"I wasn't told by the source, just a messenger. Oh yeah, I heard Kevin got called in some time after it." said Sam before thinking. "Ah, I think it was... Taesil who told me. The source I think started with an H."

Juyeon quickly dialed Kevin's number and waited for him to respond. It went to voicemail after quite a few rings. He tried a few more times then felt hurt when it went straight to voicemail.

"Ready? I know a good place to get dinner." he said cheerily.

He looked at Kevin's contact photo then sighed. He'd probably think better on a full stomach.


Juyeon slowly chewed as he typed and retyped his message to Kevin. Was he upset about what happened? Weren't they supposed to call his mother and discuss? Yet instead he went straight home without even telling him. He felt his hand being held, ceasing it's movements of stabbing food.

"You're going to be eating minced food at this rate. What's bugging ya?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it. It's my own problem." Juyeon said then finally decided on what to send.

"If you say so..." he said then released his hand.

He went back to eating feeling a bit peppier than before. Kevin would respond to him for sure.

It's Not Me, It's We | JuKev✅Where stories live. Discover now