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I like these from pika and yeah again pika got firsts dragon got seconds and I got thirds. Now we are going to do some copy and pasting CONTROL C CONTROL V.

1. What is your middle name: starts with an r
2. How old are you: somewhere between 5-9 (you should know this is a joke)
What is your B-day: 4/9
What is your zodiac sign: Ares
What is your favorite color: all the colors which mean I like black cause all of them together which makes black boom knowledge
What is your lucky number: 13 dead serious
Do you have any pets: I have a dog he is pretty old dragon came over to my house and pet him like the whole time my do is gonna be so happy when you come back dragon btw
Where are you from: USA
How tall are you: idk all I know is I'm short for my age.
What is your shoe size: idk I ripped off the tags n my shoes cause they were annoying me
How many pairs of shoes do you have: I have a lot but I usually just use one for all-around stuff I do but I have many for different occasions
What was your last dream about: I don't know
Do you have any talents: Idk I like to draw but I don't know if. I'm good at it
Are you physic: nope
What is your favorite song: I answered that in pika's comments on questions but I still have another fav. Bluebird and Sha la la. I also like unravel.
What's your favorite movie: Iron man the first one
Are you religious: yes
Have you ever been to the hospital: nope luckily almost though
Have you ever been in trouble with the law: no but I have ripped a dollar bill when I was like 5.
Have you ever met a celebrity: no
Bath or showers: OR I'm just kidding showers
What is the coloThat your socks right now: white

I'm not done I'm just taking a break for a while I finish it later. I had to write the questions on a piece of paper then type them in here then answer them cause it wouldn't let me copy and paste on my phone or I didn't try very hard.

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