Farlan joined him outside. "You okay?" He asked Erwin.
"Yeah. It's just strange seeing him like that." Erwin said genuinely.
"I mean, we're used to it but yeah, considering how well he hides it, it can be a shock." Farlan said, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked genuinely worried, genuinely upset about all of this. "What was all of that about? Who was he talking about?" Erwin decided to press because he was truly curious.
"I can't tell you. It's not my story to tell. He might tell you. Or he'll get over this heat and pretend none of this ever happened. But... by the way he's talking now... I don't know. He's strange sometimes." Farlan answered. Erwin wasn't sure what that meant but he couldn't ignore the little prang of hurt when Farlan said Levi might just forget about all of this.
Erwin scolded himself internal. He was acting stupid, irrationally and unprofessional. This meant nothing, they weren't sharing a heat and he sure as hell wasn't his Alpha.

When Erwin left Levi couldn't help but look longing at the door. He couldn't understand why he was feeling like this. Yes, his hormones were all over the place and they were telling him to want the Alpha but Levi has never felt like this with anyone, not even in his last serious relationship. He couldn't think about that, it was making his head hurt. "Why, Isabel?" He asked her. "Why what?" She said back politely.
"Why, is he helping? I don't even know him, I don't know why I'm feeling this." He cried, completely exhausted.
"Well, maybe you can talk to him after this is all over. Work out together what it is." Isabel reassured him.
"Why am I trusting him? Alphas aren't good." Levi was inconsolable.
"Maybe he's different. Look, don't worry about it. Just let him look after you." Isabel said, hugging him tighter.
"Could he be?" Levi asked weakly. "Do you think he is?"
"You need to see how you feel when your heat is over." Isabel said.
"I would like that." Levi said, melting into Isabel's touch.
He would like if Erwin was different. He would like if he could find someone to be vulnerable around. He would like that, but often he didn't get what he wanted.
"Do you want him to come back in?" Isabel asked when Levi had settled down some.
"Yeah." Levi replied quietly.
"Hop back in bed then." Isabel smiled at him. She untangled herself and then stood to leave. He didn't want to be on his own, but soon Alpha would be back and it wouldn't be so bad.

Isabel entered the living room and beckoned Erwin to come back. He inhaled a deep breath and followed the Beta back to Levi.
He was sat on the bed pulling blankets together and piling pillows around. But he struggled to make any of it hold shape. So, with his limited experience, Erwin helped him. He constructed the walls and a little roof over one half so Levi could hide his head from the light. Levi nuzzled his chest with his head when he finished, like a stray kitten asking for attention. Erwin resumed his previous position and squeezed himself and Levi into their little blanket nest. Levi snuggled close and was snoring again in minutes. Erwin smiled, he couldn't deny that this Omega was cute.

The week ended and on that seventh day Levi woke sane minded. The waves had started to get less frequent and not as long but Levi couldn't shake the emotional state for an unknown reason. But today he felt fine, he was starving but he wasn't consumed by the urge to stuff something inside himself. He was tightly packed between blankets and a warm body. Carefully, Levi turned over. Erwin's face was rested against fist, propping himself upright. He was asleep. But when Levi turned to him he disturbed and his eyes opened.
Levi could see the dark bags under his eyes and the shadow of a beard around his mouth. Erwin looked at him and he looked back. "You feeling better?" He asked, his voice was rough and tired.
Levi nodded, unsure of what exactly to say. "Good." Erwin smiled, "You don't feel sick, do you?"
Levi shook his head. "I'm fine." He said, his voice also rough from most likely overuse. Erwin then rolled over and got out of bed, going to the bathroom.
Levi needed to say something, to thank Erwin but that seemed like it wouldn't have been enough. Because he remembered talking with Isabel and how he felt at the time. He needed time though, to think over what he actual felt because all he actually felt at that moment was dirty and hungry. When Erwin came out of the bathroom he left the room straight away.
A strange feeling ran through Levi.
Saddness? Rejection?
He shook his head, what did he have to feel rejected about?
Whatever, it didn't matter he needed a bath.

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