My type

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Twice is watching momo's solo dance at the stage



Mina:dahyun you drooling

Dahyun:*wipe her face*


At dorm

Dahyun:babe go change your cloth


Dahyun:because you are too revealing

Momo:*go to her room and change*



Jihyo:who is your type of girl and boy?

Dahyun:for girl is my girlfriend and for boys

All:*turn their head to dahyun*

Jihyo:for boys?

Dahyun:still my girlfriend

Jihyo:momo is not a boy

Dahyun:i have 3 reasons for girl and 2 reason for boy

Jihyo:ok what is it?

Dahyun:for girl,1.she sexy,2.she cute and 3.she beautiful

Jihyo:and for boy?

Dahyun:for boy,1 she the man in our relationship,and 2 she look good in man suit

Jihyo:wow momo is really your type

Momo:*come* babe im done *cuddle with dahyun*

Dahyun:*kiss her cheek*

Momo:babe want to ea...

Dahyun:*kiss momo's lips again and again*

Momo:*break the kiss* guys what's going o...on

Dahyun:*keep kissing momo's lips*

Momo:babe le...let me s...speak *break the kiss* guys what going on?

All:i dont know

Jihyo:she said that you her type i think thats why

Momo:babe are you ok?

Dahyun:*want to kiss momo but momo cover her mouth*

Momo:no,no kisses until you tell me what wrong with you

Dahyun:*fake cry*

All:*know what happen*

Momo:im sorry babe pls dont cry *hug dahyun*

Dahyun:gotcha *kiss momo*

Momo:*run to her room and lock the door* HELP ME!!!!!

Jihyo:*gift them a speaker* here you guys wear it and go to sleep now cause you know what gonna happen

All:THANK YOU JIHYO!!! *go to their room*

Dahyun:*unlock the door* you cant run away from me and seen that you always on tops and today is my day *kiss momo roughtly*

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