Chapter 1: I See London

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Six years later


               I just got off the Subway-wait, I’m not in America anymore, I meant the tube- and hailed a taxi. I gave the driver my new address and he drove down the busy streets of London. Looking outside the window, I saw that it hasn’t changed much except for a few new stores here and there.

               A few minutes later, I was dropped off at my new flat. Walking up the steps, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. All my boxes were there, or at least I think they were. We sent all my stuff here a week ago. I haven’t been here yet, but my parents told me it was a lovely place, and that a family friend would rent it out for me for cheap.

               Walking into the living room, I saw white leather couch and an oak coffee table. I silently thanked my parents that they got me some furniture. I walked upstairs, and saw that I had two beds and two baths. The larger room had a queen sized bed pushed against the wall and a study table. In the smaller room were more of my boxes.

               I continued to walk around the flat until I heard my stomach growl. “Well, I can’t work on an empty stomach,” I told myself before walking downstairs and out the door.

               I walked a few blocks and into a pizzeria I remembered from years ago. I go in and see that it isn’t too busy, so I go up and order a slice of veggie pizza with sausage. I paid for my order and sat down while I waited.

               A teenager with bright red hair walked up to me and handed me my order. I stood up and took my plate, walking over to a serving table with parmesan and peppers when another worker bumped into me, my pizza falling onto my grey t-shirt.

               “Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, miss!” A young man said, turning around and pulling napkins from his apron.

               “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” I said, taking the napkins and wiping my shirt.

               “I will get you another order. I’m sorry again!” he said before hurrying into the kitchen.

               “And here, we have a poor victim of a pizza attack,” a deep voice said. Looking up, I see a guy a few years younger than me videotaping what had just happened.

               “Umm, excuse me, what are you doing?” I asked, pissed.

               “Oh, sorry,” he said before putting away the camera. “I was vlogging. I won’t put it in my video if you don’t like. By the way, my name is Caspar Lee.” He said, holding out his hand.

               I took his hand and shook it. His name seemed oddly familiar. “I’m Eva. Nice to meet you, I guess.” I said while I continued to try to get most of the sauce off my shirt.

               “Here,” Caspar handed me a wipe and I took it, dabbing harshly at my shirt.

               “Thank you.”

               “Miss, here’s another order. And here’s a free box of pizza. I’m really sorry. Please don’t tell my boss,” the worker told me, putting down the box of pizza on the table I was sitting at and handing me the plate of pizza.

               I laughed. “ I won’t.,” I told him, reading his name tag. Ben. “It’s okay, Ben. It was an accident.”

               “Thank you, miss,” he said before returning back to the kitchen.

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