1. Trust- Mystery

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    "Kidnapping people sure doesn't sound pure to me," I respond. He says nothing but instead begins to unroll the piece of paper and reads aloud.

    I'm in a place far below. One that men are bound to know. Girls pretend they've never been. A place that's filled with lustful sin. One that I've made pure again. You know everything about me. Or at least you thought you did. I've been overlooked but not again.

    I cringe a little after hearing him read it. She was trying to be clever but she's clearly not. It's obvious she's talking about the basement where all the kids hook up. But I don't care how good you think you are. Anything you could be doing underground is surely not pure, especially if it involves kidnapping three teenage girls. From the corner of my eyes, I spot Evan Harrison and quickly push the roses into my locker.

    "Anna!" He says loudly. I jump and wave lightly without acknowledging his obvious crush on me. "I really liked your presentation in drama the other day. You really do speak more fluently and clearly than anybody else in there. I hope you get the lead in the school play this year." He says and I smile lightly.

    "Anna gets the lead every year," Jake says being friendly. He clearly doesn't realize the feelings that Evan harbors.

    "Well, I'll see you guys later." He says with a smile leaving.

    "That kid sure has it bad for you," Jake jokes and my eyes widen.

    "Why have you been acting so nice if you knew!" I scold.

"The guy's harmless," He says and I roll my eyes. So much for my boyfriend being 'the jealous type'. "Honestly, I think he could help us," Jake says abruptly. "The only way to ensure your safety is by going underground. We can't do that just the two of us. For all we know, whoever is doing this could be keeping bodies down there. Why do kids go down there to hook up? Because it's abandoned and faculty thinks we don't know about it. The more people we have the better."

"For all we know Evan could be the kidnapper. I mean how many times have I overlooked the guy for you?" I ask. Jake turns his head and bites his lip nervously.

"I think we can trust him is all," Jake says.

"Oh yeah, well next thing I know you trust Hunter Garrison too."

"I didn't say that," Jake says obviously triggered. "Whatever just meet me outside the school at sundown. I'll be waiting." He says and I slam my door shut watching him leave.

Even though I'm mad at him. I nonetheless show up to find Jake with none other than Hunter Garrison, Jenny Sans, Evan Harrison, and Shelly Sikes. I understand inviting Jenny, she is my best friend after all. But I haven't spoken to Shelly in years not to mention I already expressed my disliking of Hunter and Evan. Before I even got the chance to say anything I walk up to an apologetic face.

"Look I know that you didn't want your ex-boyfriend here but the fact of the matter is that we need some muscle power which he has. Evan's got the brains as well as Jenny so they'll be a perfect team and Shelly overheard us so I figured why not." He tells me. Shelly Sikes. Why not? She hates me. I mean at least I think she does. I'd hate me if I were her.

"Whatever let's just go," I say not acknowledging any of them as I make my way toward the building. The group quickly catches on and follows. We make it to the door and I try to open it but it's locked. I can't believe I didn't think of that.

"That's not a problem. Follow me." Shelly urges. I hate the idea of following her into God knows where but I have no choice. She makes her way across the dark sides of the building when all of a sudden I watch as she smirks and grabs a bat hidden the bushes. I step back as she hits a window in. "This leads to a small storage area. They probably won't notice the shatter for a week or two so we should be fine." she shrugs. I feel goosebumps on my skin as we enter the room. I don't know what it is but the school at night is creepy. Shelly leads the way as the rest of us follow hesitantly. She's so laid-back here that it scares me. We finally make it to the door that leads to the famous seven minutes in heaven and enter. It's pitch black but Shelly's able to make her way around perfectly. We finally hear some noises in the back and take off running. We enter the room to find the three missing girls tied up.

"Oh my god," I say in horror. "Who did this to you?" I ask the girls who are in tears. "Somebody untie them!" I scream. Hunter, Shelly, Jake, and Evan all quickly run to help untie them but Jenny doesn't budge. "Jenny!" I yell panicked.

"You did this," she whispered.

"Excuse me," I say trembling.

"You took everything from me! You took all the top grades, Jake, the looks, all of it. So this was your payback. I'd take your friends too. You were even selfish with them. You withheld evidence to save your own tail. But guess what honey that won't work now cause I took something of yours this time." She says maniacally. I turn and see Hunter Garrison start beating the heck out of Jake. Jake's fighting but as pointed out before Hunter is really strong.

"I bet you didn't think it'd be your best friend did you?" Shelly sings as she picks a hammer to beat me with.

"Yeah well, I did!" Is all I hear before I see Shelly stumble and fall on top of me. The attacker is none other than my ex-best friend. Shelly Sikes holding a baseball bat. "You may have given up on me Anna but I never gave up on you," she says before helping out Jake and untying the girls.

"Get him!" They scream and I widen my eyes and turn to see my own boyfriend Jake smiling evilly.

"You should have broken up with me when you had the chance," he whispers. All of a sudden my world goes to black... to nothing.

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