The fog has lifted

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Nick's P.O.V

In the night time of this long long day, I was finally getting ready to go to bed, I had spent my day studying and thinking and I was ready to give myself a break. Suddenly my phone vibrates and I look to see that Connor is calling me.

"Hey" Connor said in a way you could tell he was smiling

"Oh hi"

"I wanted to meet up and I thought we could do it tonight" Connor asked

"I don't want to sound like a kid, but my next line is definitely what a kid would say…...I'm grounded. Yup, Cue the laughter" I said embarrassed

"It's okay. I could settle for a long talk on this phone right here" Connor said in low, definitely sexy, voice.

"…I actually have a lot of homework, so….." I could feel his glare from the other side

"I am kidding. I am kidding" I replied as I heard him laugh on the other line. 

We talked for not less than 3 hours, my ears were about to fall off but I didn't mind, it was actually nice talking to him. I learned a lot of stuff about him; his family, his college experience, his job and his friends. How he lost almost all of the friends he had from his school after coming out, how he went into deep depression after that and how he was picked up from that dark place by his current group of friends. I could tell his was proud of his little group and I felt happy for some reason. You know when someone tells you about something they have that's brought them strength and support and you just smile in awe and feel happy about it…

Our conversation had to end sometime but I couldn't wipe my smile away until I fell into the deep sleep I had wanted since I woke up this morning.

"Rise and shine, Nick" my mom said slamming the windows open.

"No no no noooo!!" I protested as I grabbed my blanket and covered my head

"You have school. Come on. Wake up" My mom said as she walked towards my bed after taking every item in my room that can make noise and making sure it did.

"Fine. Just stop. I am up, I am up." I said as I dragged my feet across my room to the bathroom.

"Why are you so tired? Did you stay up late or something?!" My mom shouted from behind the bathroom door

A flashback of my night yesterday went by, I went to sleep so late talking to this cute boy I told you about but you absolutely resent now because when I went out with him, I didn't tell and you only found out because you saw him kiss me at the door. "No, just too much work at school" I answered her, totally negating my thoughts.

I took my shower, got dressed and left for school. 'Tomorrow is the weekend, I'll finally get to sleep' that's what I kept telling myself this morning and all the way to school.

My day was done and I was back home. "Mum!! I am home" I shouted scanning the living room with my eyes looking for my mother. "Hey, sweety. Come to the kitchen for a sec" My mum shouted. 

"I felt bad when you told me about how tired you were at school this morning, so….you're no longer grounded" My mum told me as I showered her with Thank you-s and Love you-s

"Guess who's no longer grounded?" I told Ellie on the phone

"Yeah? Well, let's go out, celine-boy" Ellie said as excited as I was. 

My weekend was gonna be great. So…do I call Connor and tell him the fog has lifted?

*Hey!! What's up everyone? :) I was just wondering what y'all thought about my story and if you liked it or not...ya know :D I like writing it and I absolutely LOVE Matt and Nick so I am quite happy over here, but I bet I'll be happier knowing what you guys think about it :) Don't forget to Comment or Vote, and of course let me know if you're displeased with any part of this story and I'll keep your suggestions in mind for the following chapters ;) It's my very first "fanfic" so I am excited about any sort of feedback :D So yeah, Thank You!!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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