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Colin lounged in the lobby of the station, waiting for Bonnie to arrive. She finally pushed open the double doors a full two hours after he had left Whelan's house.

"There you are," he said, pushing himself away from the wall and going over to her. "What took so long?"

"Nancy invited me to stay for coffee. So of course I did." Bonnie's eyes were bright and she seemed happy. Not giddy, just content.

"She did?" Colin led the way into the lab where the watch was being analyzed. "So did she have anything helpful to say?"

"I think-" Bonnie stopped in the doorway and took in the lab. "Wow." She took a few hesitant steps into the room, her eyes wide.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Colin pulled out a chair and shoved it towards Bonnie with his foot. "I'm still waiting for the results. So, tell me about Nancy." He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

Bonnie seated herself in the chair, the skirt of her coat draping over the seat of the chair and almost touching the floor. "She answered the door, I introduced myself, and she invited me in. She was very talkative."

"And...knowledgeable about Alice Whelan?"

"Mm-hm. Seems they were pretty close. Alice didn't like sitting around by herself at home. And I wouldn't, either." Bonnie frowned and continued. "So she and Nancy spent a lot of time together. They each took care of each other's gardens, and Nancy would sometimes watch Suzie so Alice could go out."

This piqued Colin's interest. "Go out? Out where?"

Bonnie shrugged. "Nancy didn't know where she went every time. Sometimes she just went shopping."

"And other times?"

"Nancy didn't ask. Though she did notice...after I prompted her...that Alice had been dressing up more recently. Wearing nicer clothes, more jewelry."

"Interesting." Colin shifted his weight, thinking. "I assume Alice didn't tell Nancy about her affair?"

"Apparently not. She was very surprised when I told her." Bonnie smiled a bit. "She almost spilled her coffee."

"Hm. Did you ask about the initials on the watch?"

"Mm-hm. She didn't know anyone with those initials. D.K., wasn't it?"

"Yeah. So this guy is probably just a stranger she met somewhere."

Bonnie rested an elbow on the table beside her. "Which makes it more likely that this D.K. is the person who killed the rest of the women."

Colin held up a hand. "Whoa, whoa. What makes you think that the same person is behind all these killings? Just the fact that they all happened in the morning? We have to have more than that."

Bonnie looked frustrated. "I know. And yes, I think it's the same person. I think it's this D.K. person. Can't we talk to the other husbands; see what they know?"

"Sure, sure." Colin walked over to the table and fiddled with some of the instruments. "Let me take these prints to someone to see if there are any matches."

"Sure." Bonnie stood. "Then what?"

"Then I think we should call it a day."


The next morning, Colin and Bonnie met at the station after breakfast.

"Hey, good-looking." Bonnie stepped forward for a hug, but Colin put out his hands to stop her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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