Chapter 10 "A Nameless Rescue"

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I jumped up from my bed to the sound of super loud thunder.  There was a storm going on. My body still ached. He entered another room which had a bucket of water and a towel. I grabbed the towel and wiped my blood off my face. I left the room and weakly went downstairs.  I didn't have much to do anymore, all I could do it wait. I walked out to the garden and walked over to my mother's grave and rested my hand on it. The rain kept clanging against my armour as the thunder went off in the background. "Artorias?" I heard behind me. It was Gwynevere. She walked up to me and held my hand. I let go of her hand. "I can't be with your Gwynevere. You saw what your father would do to me. Plus it's raining." I explained to her.  "But Artorias, My father is a man of ignorance. He doesn't understand. Please ignore me no longer." Gwynevere begged. " I can't ok?" I shouted. I was pretty loud. Oh no, I could've attracted Gwyn. She looked at me and teared up walking away. " Gwynevere, i'm, i'm sorry." I said sticking my hand out. She kept walking away. I looked up to see Gwyn staring at me on the balcony. My brain turned stressed, nervous, I wanted to threw up. I quickly walked inside and into the main area. "Everyone in my throne room! NOW!" I heard Gwyn say with a shout. I entered the room seeing Sif, Ornstein, Smough, Gwynevere, Solaire, and Gundyr standing in a line. My armour dripped as I walked to the line. "Artorias, step up." Gwyn said. "Yes sir." I said. "I did tell you the last time, I would not show you any mercy, but i'm feeling generous. But there are consequences." He said holding his sword above his head. In one swift motion Artorias' companions head toppelled to the floor expressionless. Everyone eyes grew wide, except mine. Mine turned dead, my head dizzy, I wanted to threw up. I wanted to die. I wanted to cry. The man I served, betrayed me. I looked to see Gwynevere covering her eyes and crying, while everyone was looking away. I quickly withdrew my sword and tried to swing however a spear blocked me. "I'm sorry Artorias." Ornstein said to me.  "YOU TRAITOR." I screamed to him as Gwyn walked up to me. He grabbed me by the neck and threw me out of his throne room down the stairs. "Daddy! Stop. Please, stop." Gwynevere said crying. I heard Gwyns loud footsteps coming to me. I tried getting up but he kicked me. Making me slide down the hallway hitting the gate. I rested against it as he kicked me threw it. We were outside now, rain colliding with my armour with thunder in the background. I kneeled at the edge of the stairs, I already knew what was going to happen. He kicked me down. "I knew you were pathetic." Gwyn said raising his sword. I heard a loud clang as my eyes closed. I opened one of them to see what had happened. It was then where I realized it was the first born. "WHAT! YOU DARE ENTER MY PRESENTS. I BANISHED YOU FROM HISTORY." Gwyn said to his rival. The first born kicked him down and reached his hand out ot me. I grabbed him and he lift me up and ran back to his storm drake. He hopped onto the drake and flew away. "So it begins." I heard Gwyn as we flew away I closed my eye and went to sleep. 

One week later.

I woke up to the heat of the baby drakes. I got up and looked to see around fifteen baby drakes crawling around me. Hey little buddies I said with a laugh. This reminded me of Sif, I tried to get it out of my head but I couldn't. I tickled the drakes as they giggled. I"ll be back, I said leaving. I left the hatchery and and entered the open area. It was sunny and alot of dragon statues everywhere. I looked to see the man who had saved me setting and meditating  on top of a hill. I slowly climbed the hill up and kneeled beside him. "Welcome Artorias." He said standing up. "We don't do kneeling here." He explained to me. I stood up. "What shall I call you?" I asked him. "I'm the king of dragons, but i'm nameless, so the Nameless King." He informed me. "I know your in pain, I know you need to turn stable again. We are at war with my father, and we must defeat him." Nameless informed me. "You shall be my best knight, my strongest knight." He said with passion. "You will get stronger, better, smarter." He informed me. "It will take time but it'll be worth it." " You will be trained to deal with dragons in a passive manner." "You will see multiple upgrades in your armour and weapons." He finally said. "We will begin tomorrow." He said looking off with the distance. "Relax for today." He said walking down  the mountain. I stood there looking off into the distance. The wind blowing my cape. 

What if Artorias didn't get corruptedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें