~hell that she calls home~

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her thoughts pirouetted through her head,
as she gazed out to the night: exhausted, worried, alone,
hidden behind the hell that she calls home,
harrowing against the window beside her bed,
sitting, wishing, waiting.

she looks like an angel with eyes like a dreamcatcher,
but giving up her throne was her way of being known,
getting lost was just her way of coming home,
They were the life of the party but the death of her,
while she was sitting, wishing, waiting.

they give her glances of utmost apathy,
its not like she was half drowned,
they asked why she was down,
but she simply replied with 'gravity'
and continued sitting wishing waiting.

they all chased rainbows while she knew they wouldn't catch one,
everyone walks by thinking 'oh so typical'
while she thinks how shed kill no to be invisible,
but its all just part of their fun,
and she was no longer sitting, wishing, waiting.

looks like there was a fork in the path that she paved,
and now she cant find her way back
because all she sees is black,
she thought shed take her secrets to her grave,
but instead they dug it for her,
while they were all just




unflattering angles and sleepy rambles // poetry Where stories live. Discover now