The star touch elf prince- chpt. 2

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Callum Rayla and the 6 star touch elf knights were flying till dark until they came across a moon shadow elf village. It was a full moon that night. "My prince we need to land here and rest at an inn." Said one of the knights. All of the dragons started flying low to reach the entrance of the village. At the entrance there was two guards, one of them came walking towards them was an earthblood elf. "State your names, tribes and business." The village guard stated. "My name is non existent the same goes for my fellow 5 star touch elf Knights." One of the knights stated in a cold tone toward the village guard. "Ok and you two I need you tribe and name." The guard said with a scared look on his face as he looked over the group. "He is Callum prince of the startouch elves and his companion Rayla a moonshadow elf we are looking for an inn for these two to rest got it." One of the knights told the guard as all of them glared at him. "Rayla why is that guard afraid of the star touch elf knights?" Callum whispered to Rayla with a questioning look on his face. "Startouch elves are the most dangerous elves the have vast knowledge and the only tribe with a monarchy system no one ever sees them that's why he's scarred." Rayla said to Callum. "Um there's an inn at the corner of the street." The guard said nervously slowly pointing to a building in the village.

"Oh i almost forgot my prince the sky is full of stars, you should use the spell you father instructed to do." One of the knights said while looking up to the stair filled sky. "Ok," Callum said while pulling out the scroll with the spells he skipped to the fifth spell and slowly he reached out drawing a rune that looked like a star before saying, "revelare." After saying those words callum was suddenly engulfed in a bright light as the light began to fade Rayla could see Callum now had star markings on him, horns, pointy ears, and only had four fingers now as well as a set of wing marks on his shoulder. "Callum your an elf." Rayla said surprised while Callum began looking at his new form. Suddenly he collapsed landing on top of Rayla making them both fall down, seeing this all 6 knights went to help Callum and Rayla. "Callum are you ok." Rayla asked Callum worriedly, "yah just tired lets go rest at the inn." Callum said to reassure here while waving the guards away, seeing the order the 6 knights all looked at each other before turning away to make a camp in the forest zym followed the knights seeing the wave of Callum's hand knowing they wanted to be undisturbed. "Ok, let me help you up." Rayla said while helping him up and getting him to the inn.

Time skip to them being in the inn room

"You think I scared that innkeeper." Callum said with a smirk on his face as he looked out the window. "Yah, hey Callum um what do you think of Xadia?" Rayla questioned Callum as he was looking out the window. "It's amazing it's crazy how I might have grown up here, but I wouldn't have met you." He said while his face became a bright crimson.

"So do you feel any different, i mean you being an elf now." Rayla said while trying to change the topic as her face started to turn red. "No not really it feels natural." He said while walking over to Rayla who was a few feet behind him "so tell me Rayla what was it you wanted to tell me when we were back at that cave before I connected to the sky arcanum?" Callum questioned her while standing a few feet in front of her. "I love you." Rayla whispered hoping Callum didn't hear. "I love you too Rayla." Callum said while planting a kiss on her lips while making them fall on to the bed.

"Tell me Rayla do you want to know an interesting fact about startouch elves?" Callum said with a smirk on his face as he broke the kiss. "Ok." Rayla said as her heart quickened and a blush rose on her face. "Startouch elves leves markes of love under the ear of their lovers." Callum explained while keeping the smirk on his face. "Uhm Callum this!" Before she could finish Callum started kissing her neck. "Is he giving me a hickey umm I want him to stop but it feels special." Rayla thought while Callum sucked on her neck just below her ear. After a few minutes Callum stooped and hovered over Rayla and whispered in her ear, "this is how startouch elves say who their lovers are so will you accept it and it's meaning?" Callum said while his smirk faded and a blush appeared on his face. "Yes I will now come here!" Rayla said while pulling down her new lover.

Time skip to the morning

Rayla and Callum both woke up to being in each others arms. "Good morning my startouch prince." Rayla says while a smile rises on her face "we should get going." Callum said while trying to get up "ok, your guards are probably wondering what's taking us so long." Rayla said jokingly as her and Callum headed to the door. A few minutes later they meet up with the 6 knights. They all seemed to know what happened, one by one they all bowed down, "congratulations our prince and princess." They all stated in union, hearing this both Callum and Rayla started to blush the Callum started to piece together the fact that the knight from yesterday told the other 5 knights. "Ok let's get going." Callum said while trying to change the subject and to hide his embarrassment. "Ok our prince," one of the knights said with a smirk "Ok let's get moving we don't want the anger of our king on us for delaying him from seeing his son and daughter in law." Hearing this they all got back on the dragons and embarked on the final half of their adventure.

This is the second half of the startouch elf prince begging i'm happy on how i was able to make callum a half elf i'm so glad that turned out correctly

The star touch elf prince-rayllumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora