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The minnie submarines closed themselves into the deep end.

"13 Meters. You should see it." Said a man's voice.

The submarines closed in to a sunken ship

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The submarines closed in to a sunken ship.

" Okay , take her up and over the bow rail." Said the Man, to another man.

" Okay , Mir-2, we're going over the bow. Stay with us."

The subamarine rose up to see the great Ship Titanic, what as left of it.

The two subamarines looked over the Ship , as the came close.

" Okay, quiet. We're rolling. Seeing her coming out the darkness like a ghost ship...still gets me every time. " said the man as he taped the Ship.

" To see the sad ruin of the great Ship sitting here , where She landed at 2:30 in the morning of April 15, 1912 , after her long fall from the world above."said the Man.

" You're si full of Shit, Boss." Said a another Man, laughing.

The ship alone , was ghost, with nothing but loneliness.

" Dive 6. Here we are again on the deck of Titanic ,2 1/2 miles down. 3,821 meters. The pressure outside is 3 1/2 tons per square inch. These windows are 9 inches thick and if they go, it's sayonara in 2 microseconds" said The man to the camera.

" Allright , enough of that bullshit." Said the man putting the camera away.

The submarines made themselves more into the ships deck.

" Just put her down on the roof of the officer's quarters like yesterday." Said The Man, putting a blanket over himself.

" Sure" said the other man.

" Okay, Mir-2 , were landing right over the Grand Staircase. You guys set to launch? " asked the Man.

" Yeah, Brock , launching Dunkin now. Go, Charlie" said one of the Man.

One of the subamarines release a camera.

"All right, tether out"

" Tether out.

" Okay, Brock we're dropping down along the hull." Said one of the Man.

" Yeah, roger that.Okay , drop down, and go into the first- class gangway door." Said Brock. " I want you guys working the D deck reception area and the dining saloon."

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