i walk out of the place, saying goodbye to the owners, walking with a paper bag and a bottle of water they gave me since coffee in the morning leaves an acid taste in your mouth.

cars pass by, students walk to their house since it's already 1 p.m already, cute girls walking with their pastel backpacks and boys joking around, i can't stop to look and remember when i was their age as if i was old, i should be at university at my age, i'm not that old.

—excuse me lady.— a boy, probably in his 15 approach to me.— my girldfriend right here is too shy to say it but she wants to know if you have an instagram.—

—you are so pretty.— the girl says almost in a whisper, i smile at her.—are you some kind of model? a famous person? an influencer or something?—

she hands me her phone, unlocked. she has a cute background of her and her boyfriend.—oh no,  not at all.—i open instagram to search my username.— just don't be weirded out, my boyfriend kind of is..—

wow Abril, you are that type of girlfriend that is like 'my boyfriend is famous' and that shit, chill.

i hand her the phone, saying goodbye and walking to Alex's house.

i knock the door.

as i wait for someone to open the door i look at the bag, six donuts, they all look good so i hope they taste the same.

—Fuck.— i hear a familiar scream upstairs. i laugh

—are you okay, honey?— i scream, looking at his window, i hear even more noisy stu

—uh no, can you help me?— he sounded afraid somehow, a voice i haven't heard at all from him, i open his front door and walk to his kitchen to put the donuts on the table.— uh, quick please!

—Jesus, i'm coming!— i speed walk to his room.— why are you on the floor?—

—i was searching for something on the boxes that are up there and—

i have fallen— i hear Aksel's voice

and i can't get up.— ani finishes the sentence, i can't help to laugh at that joke while i help Alex to get up, he moans out of pain and refuses to stand up, both of then on the video chat stops laughing.— oh shit, Alex, are you okay?

—i don't think so, Ani.— he rolls his eyes and i start to put pressure on his left ankle, another moan of pain.— be careful! 

—don't be a pussy, Alex.—

—shut up, it really hurts, okay?— he suddenly fake cries and the three of us laugh.— you are gonna put this in the video, Ani?

—you want me to?— she keeps laughing, i try to lift him up again, this time he collaborates

—Do it, amazing content.— i sat him on his chair and clean everything he dropped on the floor. —does anything else hurt? shoulder? anything?—

—no.— everyone is in silent.— my shoulder a little.—

—well, i'm pretty sure you broke your ankle, who knoes about your shoulder.—

—Go to the doctor Alex, we have enough content.— Ani says, i nod


i drive, we are both in silence, i'm not sure why but Alex seems very down about all of this.

—it's the first time i drive.— i tried to relieve tension since the trip to the doctor is kind of far because of traffic but he just nods— hey, is something wrong? you changed your mood so quick, what's upsetting you?—

—i don't know, i feel like i'm putting everything on you right now.— 

—You kidding?— i look at him for a second and i remember that i was driving.— i will give my heart if you need a new one, honey.— i took his hand with  my free one.— you don't have to be always the strong one you know? 

—i know but you act like my mom sometimes!— he aggresively moves his arms.— ow, no, shouldn't have done that.—

—I will relax once we get out of the hospital ok?—

—See? i'm not a kid Abril.—

—i'm sorry honey, is just.— i look around for somewhere to park the car, today is very busy.— i worry for you, a lot, it cames out naturally i guess.—

i park the closest i can to the hospital and get out of Alex's car, since he probably broke his ankle, i go to the other side to help him out, he looks strangely annoyed by that.

i stay in silence, how much i wanted to talk with him about the young kids and stuff. but i guess he needs space today.

as Alex gives his info to the doctor, i just look at anything but at him, now we created this awkward aura between us, i help him sit down in the waiting room and sit by his side.

why is he even mad? he was the one who told me to help him when i get there, do he wanted me to do nothing about it? 

we stay in silence for a while, watching the people waiting as well, i look at my phone, it's already 3:21 p.m

what a long day, it started great and now is just weird.

the doctor calls Alex's full name, we both walk inside his office since Alex probably would break himseld even more walking by himself.

—How did you had the accident?— the doctor ask once we sit on the chairs.

—i was grabbing heavy boxes while i was on a small stair so my balance made be fall in a weird position i guess.—

—He says his right shoulder hurts as well.— i speak, goddammit you are gonna make him more mad. 







sometimes you need to shut the fuck up.

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