Chapter 15- Death to the Bakusquad

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-Homophobic actions-

3rd POV

Mina woke up around eight. She never really slept in during the summer. She walked upstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When she returned downstairs, she was fully awake. She looked around the room to find her phone, but found something gay instead. Denki was laying on top of Hanta, they were just cuddling and Mina thought it was just the most adorable thing she'd ever seen. Mina ran over to her sleeping bag to find her phone and take a picture, she also had to wake Kiri so he could see this as well. 

"Psst. Kiri." She whispered, shaking him a little.

"What?" He said.

"SHHHHhhshshshhshhhhhhh!!!" Mina said putting a finger up to his mouth. Kiri was a little shocked. Mina showed him what she woke him up for, and he too thought it was adorable. ....So he woke Kat up. Kat was a little mad about waking up so early but he too agreed it was a pretty cute sight to behold. 

Mina took loads of pictures.

Like loads.

She was spamming her camera with pictures of the two sleeping boys.

Until the silence was broken.

"D-Denki?" A shaky voice said from behind the teens. Mina spun around to see Denki's mom standing at the bottom of the stairs, a horrified look on her face. She then ran back upstairs.

"Uh oh." Mina said.

Denki's mom ran back down the stairs, her husband close behind. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she pointed at her son. Denki's dad looked furious.

"DENKI KAMINARI." He yelled. The small electric boy shot up, Hanta did as well. When he looked at it, Denki knew exactly what was going on. And he knew it wouldn't end well.

"Denki PLEASE tell me this was an accident!" Denki's dad spat.

Denki stood up slowly, looking at the ground as he did so.

"I'm afraid." Denki said.

"You don't have to be afraid once you've told me this was just an accident." He said folding his arms.

"I'm afraid." Denki repeated. "That this wasn't an accident." He said looking up from the ground, a terrified and angry expression on his face. He stuck his arm out and grabbed Hanta's hand, pulling him in and kissing him. Hanta was a bit surprised, but he wasn't complaining.

"Mom, dad! I'm dating a boy! And you can't stop me from this!" Denki screamed at them, tears running down his face.

His dad started walking towards the two and Hanta tightened his grip on Denki's hand. Bakugou moved directly in front of Denki and Hanta, Kirishima and Mina on his sides.

"Ya know, I don't think that this is how a parent is supposed to act when their kid comes out to them. Because of course, I would know. He just wants to feel love and support. All he's getting is rejection, from the two most important people that have ALWAYS been there for him. I have to go through the same thing every day. Constantly getting beat up by my mom because I'm not the son she wanted. Do I care? NO! But I KNOW he does!" Bakugou said pointing at Denki. 

"If ya wanna beat up Denki then great. But you're gonna have to go through us first." He said making small explosions in his hand. Kirishima hardened his body, crossing his arms. Mina got into position too.

"Fine. I won't hurt him. But I'm not gonna let him live here any longer. Get out! All of you!" He screamed at them.

Nothing else needed to be said, the five teens ran upstairs, Bakugou made sure to be last. He put a little heat onto Denki's dad. Careful not to cause too much damage.

The five ran to Denki's room and started helping the boy pack up his room. Hanta made sure to grab the guitar and posters. He also grabbed all the gifts that Denki had received the night before.

"I'm really sorry." Hanta said.

"Yeah, we all are." Bakugou said, a sympathetic look on his face.

"I-its fine. I k-knew this would happen." Denki said between his soft cries. "I-i'm just s-sorry you had to s-see me cry!" Denki smiled.

"Oh baby, we don't care one bit." Mina said hugging him. 

"And that's a promise!" Bakugou said.

Soon the room was packed, and the five were off.

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