"I guess...maybe," Hermione said hesitantly. She then blushed and looked away as she continued, "He asked me to be his girlfriend this morning."

"And?" Harry asked. "You know he likes you."

"I know. It's...it's...well," Hermione started and her blush deepened. "I really shouldn't bother you," She got up from the bed. "It's really not that important. I'll see you downstairs soon?"

Harry's hand shot out from his side and grabbed her wrist as she turned. "What is it Hermione? What's bothering you? You know there's nothing you can't talk to me about," Harry said as his emerald green eyes bore into Hermione's almond ones. "We've been through too much over too long of a time."

"Not this...not now. It's...it's personal and it concerns...well, never mind," Hermione replied. "Let's talk about something else."

"Hermione, please?" Harry begged.

Hermione hesitated for a couple of seconds, but then sat back down on the bed. "You tell me something personal first then, Harry. Are you getting back with Ginny?"

Harry thoughts returned to the youngest Weasley. Again he remembered his solitary walk toward the forest, and passing her in the dark as he went to face Voldemort; he remembered thinking of her as Voldemort cast the killing curse, and remembered her fighting Bellatrix with Hermione and Luna's help, but this morning something was different. "I don't know," He answered truthfully.

"So right now she isn't your girlfriend?" Hermione asked with a questioning look in her eyes.

"I guess not. Well, technically speaking," Harry answered trying to figure out where this was going.

"Then I want a single favor from you, Harry," Hermione said.

"You know I'd do anything for you, Hermione."

"This you might have a problem with, so I want you to promise me you'll do it before I tell you what it is."

Harry knew Hermione had saved his life more times than he could count in the last year. That they had escaped from the wedding, from Bathilda Bagshot's home, and the Lovegood's home all were because of her. Over the last seven years, the trust they had built was beyond measure. Looking at his friend, he nodded.

"No, Harry, I want you to tell me that you'll do it," Hermione insisted.

"Okay, Hermione. Whatever favor you request, if it is in my power to grant, I shall," Harry agreed.

Hermione gave a small smile, but still hesitated. Finally, she continued. "First you have to promise not to laugh at me."

"I would never laugh at you, Hermione. I'm not..." Harry was about to say Ron, but realized insulting her boyfriend might not be the best choice of words.

"OK, here goes, then," She took a deep breath before continuing. "I've had a particular dream ever so often since our first year," Hermione started as her cheeks reddened. "It's...well it's me being kissed by someone."

"Well, Ron kissed you last night, or I should say you kissed him."

"Shh...let me finish, this is hard to do, Harry," Hermione replied as her cheeks reddened. "And, yes, I know I kissed Ron last night, and that's some of the problem," She paused for a second as she took another breath. "You see, in my dream, the kiss is a magical kiss. You know, like the ones you read about in fairy tales, where the couple is lost in the kiss as a golden glow surround them."

"Sounds...interesting," Harry said hesitantly. "But what does this have to do with me?"

Hermione looked at the scarlet curtains for a second then she sighed and her eyes found Harry's again. "When I kissed Ron yesterday, it wasn't magical, there was nothing; no feelings, no magic...nothing. It was just two pairs of lips pressed together, and frankly, his breath stunk."

Harry Potter and the Future's Pastजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें