Flashback: (Y/N) Vs Cena (WWE Championship)

Start from the beginning

(Here's (Y/N)'s heel theme for y'all)

(Instead of 'The Young Bull' It would say 'God of Extreme Est. 1983' and (Y/N)'s name would be wrapped in barbed wire)

Cole: "And here is the self proclaimed 'God of Extreme'! No doubt he's here to sound off on his opponent at Summerslam, the WWE Champion John Cena."

King: "Am I the only one that thinks he's a bit full of himself with the whole 'God of Extreme' thing? Now he comes out here, runs his mouth, and high tails it whenever Cena shows up! Cowardly if you ask me."

(Y/N) stepped into the ring and grabbed a mic before looking out at the crowd, as if searching for someone. After a bit he seemed satisfied and began to speak.

(Y/N): "Now I'm not usually known for this however I see it appropriate to formally apologize to two very important people here tonight."

(Y/N) then gestured to two people sitting in the front row

(Y/N): "John's father and wife are here with us tonight! And so I would like to say this directly to you, I'm sorry."

His tone then changed from a cheery tone to a dark one as the cheesey smile faded from his face

(Y/N): "For what I'm going to do to John this Sunday at Summerslam. I'm sorry that you're going to have to watch me tear John apart limb from limb. I'm sorry that after I'm done with John he'll be nothing more than a wheelchair bound shell of a man."

(Y/N) looked directly at John's wife

(Y/N): "I'm sorry that after I'm done with John you'll have to tend to him like a mother would a child. I'm sorry that after I've destroyed him and embarrassed him that you two will have no hope of continuing your marriage..."

He was met with a torrent of boos from the crowd

King: "This is just disgusting."

(Y/N) then looked out and gestured to the entire crowd

(Y/N): "And I'm sorry to all the little boys and girls of the Cenation who will have to watch me brutalize and victimize their hero! And I'm sorry to the parents who will have to console their crying children and explain to them why John Cena got his ass whipped!"

He then held up a finger

(Y/N): "But! But! I won't be sorry, John, when I take your WWE Championship and reclaim my spot at the top of the mountain. I'll see you at Summerslam John, don't keep me waiting."

(Y/N) then dropped the mic and was just about to leave before....

Cole: "Oh man! Here comes John Cena!"

King: "And you know he's not here to talk!"

Cena came running down the ramp as (Y/N) stood his ground. John slid into the ring and the two men stood toe-to-toe exchanging blows before Cena gained the upper hand. After Cena floored (Y/N) with a right he tried to hit him with the AA but (Y/N) squirmed out and got the hell out of dodge.

Cole: "Cena is a man possessed here tonight! He just beat the holy hell out of (Y/N)!"

King: "Not so tough now is he? If this is a sign of what's gonna happen at Summerslam then man oh man is this gonna be a great match!"

Cena stood tall in the middle of the ring with his WWE Championship while (Y/N) shouted at him from the ramp...


The (Y/N) Vs Cena match can be described in one word.. Brutal. Everything that could be used was used. Chairs, Kendo Sticks, Stairs, Tables, hell even at ladder was used! Let's take a look at the match highlights...

• John put (Y/N) through the spanish announce table with an AA

• (Y/N) broke a Kendo over Cena's back

• (Y/N) hit the silencer DDT onto a steel chair, Cena kicked out at 2.9

• Cena beat (Y/N) with a steel chair and actually bent it over his back

• Cena hit (Y/N) with an AA off the second rope, (Y/N) kicked out at 2.9

• (Y/N) hit a frog splash from the top of a ladder onto Cena who was laid out on a table

• (Y/N) went for the Killshot (Running Knee to the back of the head) but Cena moved an locked in the STF

• (Y/N) superkicked Cena out of the ring and hit a Tope Con Giro and flattened Cena

(This is a Tope Con Giro)

• Cena went for a third AA but (Y/N) raked his eyes and hit him with a low blow before hitting another Silencer DDT and getting the 3 count

Announcer: "Here is your winner and NEW WWE Champion, (Y/N) (L/N)!"

(Y/N) stumbled up to his feet and grabbed the title from the referee and hugged it with a sick smile on his face

Cole: "The God of Extreme has ascended to the top of WWE and has become WWE Champion!"

King: "And as much as I hate to say it, despite that low blow at the end, (Y/N) earned that win against Cena tonight."


He raised the title above his head, that sick smile still on his face...


I hope you guys enjoyed this! Tell me if you want more of these in the future!

Until next time ladies and gentlemen...

Redinator OUT!

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