"Sir, with all due respect, I have spent my entire life studying the myths of the sea. I know every legend and every curse. Do I know, ships that sail into the triangle do not necessarily sail out." He rambled, sparking my interest a bit more.

"Don't worry sir," said one of the soldiers, making his way behind the young man, "This one is clearly disturbed." He grabbed at him. He turned back to the captain with pleading eyes. "Sir, trust in what I say, change your course."

I smiled slightly, admiring the young man's will and integrity. I turned to the captain and my father, expecting to see them discussing the matter as they always do, but instead they looked furious.

"You dare give me orders, boy?" The captain fumed. "Arrest him!" My father shouted just as angry.

"Father!" I gasped, grabbing at his arm. "Why must you arrest this man? He is simply giving us a tip that might be proven useful! What if his words are true and you are leading you and your men to certain death?"

The young man flashed me a grateful smile, relaxing a bit. But my father simply shoved me away. "(y/n) stay out of this!" He snapped. "Arrest this boy!"

I turned to the young man with regret, wishing I had kept my mouth shut. A couple soldiers attempted to detain him, but he quickly pushed away, scuffling through each soldier, punching one in the face.

"Turner!!" The captain shouted. But he simply shoved through, shouting back. "I will not let you kill us all!!"

The redcoats finally caught up with him, restraining his arms. My father snarled, striking his face with the back of a rifle, splitting his lip open, blood soaking his chin, me flinching at the sound of impact.

"This is treason!" My father barked, ripping both his sleeves. "Lock him up" He ordered.

The soldiers began carrying him away. "This was your last chance Turner, if it were up to me I would string you from the yard." The Captain spat, turning back to his crew. "On deck!"

My eyes practically filled with tears as I watched him being carried away. How could my father be this way?

I stormed over, grabbing my father's arm, quivering. "Oh father how can you be so cruel? He was just trying to help!"

My father yanked his arm away, glaring. "If you don't shut your mouth young lady, you'll be joining him!"

"Well maybe I will! I'd rather be with an honest hard worker than a lazy cruel selfish father who can't even love his own daughter!" I cried, whipping around and stomping away, ignoring my father's commands to come back.

I couldn't stand him. So pathetic. I stormed off to the other side of the ship, thinking about what the young man spoke about. Maybe I could get some answers?

"Devil's Triangle..." I muttered to myself

I slipped down to my father's quarters below deck, grabbing food, water, keys and a hanker chief, tip toeing down to the prison cells.

My eyes scanned the room, looking for the young man. I approached his cell, bending down, staring at the dazed, pained looking man with sad eyes.

"Pardon me, Mister Turner?" I asked softy, watching his eyes lift up to mine. "I-I brought you some food, a-and water." I smiled awkwardly, setting the food down, grabbing the keys and unlocking the cell door.

He jumped back up against the wall with a glare. "What are you doing?" he hissed.

"N-nothing! Just...here.." I muttered, sliding over the cup of water and food. "I'm (y/n)(L/n), i'm sorry for my father's actions." I sighed sadly.

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