Chapter III

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                                                                                       - JON -

It wasn't cold anymore, not like it used to be before. Not like when the night king was around. It was spring, it seems. The snow had started disappearing. This is how it must have been, before the others existed. We had made it to hardhome and had been here for two moons. The remaining Thenn tribe had travelled back to the Thenn lands. Tormund was leader here, he was the best choice since Mance wasn't around. He had offered me an opportunity to be somewhat of a leader since I was lord commander once, but I refused, I didn't want it.

'Here, little crow, you can be happy doing simple things, theres women around you can stick your little pecker in. Have a family, be happy. No one is going back down south to tell your kings,' he'd said when we had reached hardhome in the beginning.

I had been sent to the wall for killing Deanerys, it was done to appease Greyworm, the unsullied and the remaining dothraki, it was my sentence. I hadn't stayed not for long, I had gone north with the wildlings- but that wasn't the sentence the gods had for me, I had been sentenced to see her. To dream of her when I slept- to remember what she was like, what it was like before winterfell. I couldn't sleep. Tormund knew that- I had told him once when he noticed I would deliberatly stay awake so I couldn't see her.

' It gets easier crow, there will be a day that comes when you will even forget her,' he said. ' Remember Ygritte, fire kissed hair, already forgotten about her haven't you,' he added while drinking goats milk out of a horn.

I had continued to stare into the fire, wondering why and if what i did- if it would ever feel right. I pray for that day to come so maybe I may find peace in what I did. 

'Theres' a story I heard when I was growing up, it was about why the walls in winterfell give off heat,' Jon spoke into the queen's chambers on the boat. It was the fifth day on the boat to white harbour, the candles were burning bright with the light exotic smell of incense in the air. Dany was resting her head on  his back, drawing on it with her fingers while he was laying on his stomach. His voice sort of muffled by the pillows he was layin on. '- they said there was a dragon underneath the springs that are under the castle, and that the dragon would boil the water-' he was cut off by her light laugh and he had joined her. ' I know, didn't make much sense, but I was nine, wasn't as cool as the other dragon stories I had been told but at that age any story with a dragon in it was cool'.  they had laughed some more. He enjoyed her laugh- he enjoyed everything about her, she had the most beautiful smile to him, and she even looked more beautiful with her hair down, just like it was right now.

'And here you are,'   Dany had said in a teasing way and Jon could feel her smile on his back. 'Here I am, with the mother of dragons,' he had finished as he felt her light kissess on him and smiled. He had never been happy, not like this.

He opened his eyes in a cold sweat, startled. It was in the middle of the night, he guessed.  Another  memory of another night. A night he had been so happy and it felt like a nightmare, all the memories felt like a nightmares now. It was conflicting , sleeping was the only way he would see her and yet sometimes it felt like he didn't deserve to see her after what he had done. 

He turned on his side and cried himeself to sleep for the nth time since leaving kingslanding.

                                                                        - SAMWELL -

' As we just found out, the lannister gold mines have been empty for a while now, you lannister cunts failed to mention that', Bronn said. It was the small council meeting and they were discussing the next steps forward in ruling the six kingdoms amoung other things.  And that meant establishing possible sources of ways to pay for the reconstruction of the city.

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