“We have to stop them” Jade screams and we all take off after them. As we come up on them they have her surrounded and are taunting her. I watch for a minute to see what she does and she does not attack them. She sits patiently waiting knowing that she doesn’t want to hurt them.

‘You got control of your other half’ I say proudly to my sister.

‘No I haven’t my other half just doesn’t want to be the cause of my families pain if we were to do something stupid’ she sighs back.

‘Aria you better kick some ass this is sooo not cool to watch’ Jade smiles.

‘You give me permission?’

‘Yes just don’t kill them. Make them look stupid though if you want.’

‘Sweet! Time for some fun.’

We all sit back to watch the events unfold. Still in tiger form Aria approaches Chase and nips at him challenging him to a fight. “Fine you wanna play kitty let’s play.” We watch and try not to laugh and Chase turns into a black jaguar. Chase’s jaguar is twice the size of Aria’s tiger but knowing my sister size doesn’t matter it’s how well you know your animal. They begin to stalk and circle each other and Chase makes the first move. He leaps and tries to bite into Aria’s shoulder but she easily jumps to the side and nips him on the hind leg. He growls at her and attacks again. This goes on for a few more minutes and I’m guessing Aria wants a chance at all of them because she quickly leaps and lands on Chase biting into his neck not hard enough to cause damage but hard enough to get him to submit. When he does she backs off and he stands up shaking his head. I call him over and he comes. I give him some yellow shorts and a white wife beater. He changes and says “Why are you guys just standing here watching?”

“You will see” I tell him and turn back to watch and he does the same. Next Aria walks up to Chad and nudges him. “Fine kitty this big bad wolf is going to take you down” he says and we are all fighting back laughter, well except for Chase he is looking at us like we are crazy. Chad shifts into a light brown wolf that is also twice the size of Aria. He turns to face her and she shifts from white tiger to a pure white wolf. Chad’s wolf eyes widen for a moment but then he goes into an attack pose. He jumps at Aria and she ducks down and turns biting him on the underside. He yelps and quickly gets out of her grasp. Aria looks over at us letting her guard down for a second which is enough time for Chad to jump up and bite into her shoulder. She yelps and throws him off. Not waisting anymore time, because she is getting tiered, she jumps on him biting his neck and he fights her. He gets a few good paw swipes in leaving scratches on her but soon he submits realizing no matter what she isn’t letting go. When he submits and she lets him go I call him over and give him a blue pair of basketball shorts and black wife beater. “Why are you just watching?”

“Like I told Chase you will see now watch.” I turn back as Aria walks and stands in front of the last three Conner, Jack, and Max.

 “Shifter there are three of us left and you are pretty hurt this is going to be easy for us” Conner says.

“Yeah you are no match for a couple of demons and a vampire” Jack adds. I watch and Max takes a step back as Aria snickers in her wolf form.

“I don’t want to fight her” Max says. “You guys go ahead.” Aria then growls at him. She knows he knows but she wants to prove herself to all of them and the only way to do that is fight them all. “Fine but you asked for it” Max says not liking this one bit.

“Let’s just take down this shifter and find Aria and get out of here I need a shower it stinks in here” Jack complains. Max shakes his head and we all once again fight back laughter. Chad and Chase look at us and then at Max and then the shifter and their eyes get huge as they put two and two together.  

Twisted Fate (UN-EDITED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें