One hour and several fights later, you were still on the sofa, bragging about your umpteenth victory over Chris, Noora and William had disappeared in his room long time ago.

"Where did you learn to play?" Chris asked, finally accepting the defeat and giving up.

"At home," you stated simply. "I like to play video games" you added shrugging.

Chris opened his mouth to say something when you heard a moan coming from the room and you both started laughing.

"Does it happen often?" you asked curiously while Chris was turning off the TV.


"You being the third wheel" you replied simply.

"Well, now more than ever" he confessed with a sigh sitting again on the sofa. "What about you? Do you do that often?"

You nodded. "All the times: with Noora, with Eva, with Vilde... Everyone" you replied with a sad smile.

"Do they do the same for you?" he asked cautious noticing your shift in mood.

"It isn't necessary"

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"That I don't... That I'm not what guys look for" you explained with a resigned gesture of your hand.

"Bullshit" he snorted. "You are smart and gorgeous" he said sincerely, looking in your brilliant eyes.

You snorted lowering you gaze. "You only say so to make me feel better" you retorted.

He shook his head. "No, I really think you are."

"Thanks" you replied unconvinced. He noticed but he didn't comment.

"Come on, I'll take you home" he said with a sweet smile. You nodded and quickly typed a message to inform Noora that you were leaving.

On the way home you talked about nothing in particular but you laughed a lot.

"Here we are" he said stopping in front of your house. You felt a pang in your chest, sad that you had to leave him already; you were having a good time together.

"Thanks Chris" you said with a smile.

"Thank you for keeping me company and not leaving me alone being the third wheel" he replied with a wink.

"That's what friends do" you said shrugging.

"Is this you friendzoning me?" he asked jokingly making you laugh. "By the way, I was serious when I said that you are gorgeous and smart. You are a wonderful girl and boys don't know what they are missing" he said seriously.

"Thanks" you murmured blushing and hiding your face in your big scarf to avoid him noticing.

He smiled and opened his arms to invite you to hug him and you didn't think about it twice.

It was the first time you hugged him and it was surprisingly nice. You felt the need to stay like that just a minute longer but he let you go too soon. Distancing himself just enough to look at you in the eyes and for half second you thought he would kiss you. He did. He kissed your forehead and you were terribly disappointed. You missed it, my lips are way lower, you screamed in your mind. You only smiled and let him go.

"Goodnight" you whispered.


It was only when you were climbing the stairs that your head stopped spinning and you came out of your trance. Did you really expect the greatest fuckboy of the school to kiss you because he had feelings for you and not because he just wanted to add a girl to the never-ending list? And since when you wanted to kiss Chris?

Third Wheel (Christoffer Schistad x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now