Chapter 1: New Feelings

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Is she looking at me? *brushes hair behind ear*

Ugh! Why do I do that when ever I see her? I only do that when I see a cute guy, but she's a girl!!! Everyday I see that girl walk to our neighborhood gym and she stays there for a good half hour.

When I see her leave she always has her sleeves pulled up exposing those sexy arm muscles....Ugh I'm doing it again. What's wrong with me she's a girl, but I can't stop staring at her.

I even take my little brother to the park everyday just to get a glimpse of her passing by. Looks like it's time to head home, "Chris it's time to go home, mom should have dinner ready." "Can't I stay for 5 more minutes, Samantha?" He says. "Alright, but then we head straight home.

(Next Day)

"Sammy!!!" My little brother yells as he pulls on my arm. *I take out one of my earbuds* "What do you want Chris?" "Will you take me to the park?" I pause for a second and look at my brother. He using his begging face on me and I can't say no to that.

"Okay Chris I'll take you. Go get your shoes and jacket and we'll leave in a minute." He runs out of my room in excitement. Too bad that girl doesn't work out on Saturdays...I would love to see her. Ugh!!! I'm doing it again. I grab a jacket, wrap a scarf around me, slip my black vans on and meet my brother downstairs.

"Come on Sam, walk faster I want to get to the park soon." I smile to myself remembering how energetic I was at his age. "I'll race you to the park Chris, winner gets a turn of the swings first." "I'm going to be first!" He yells as he takes off towards the park. I soon catch up to him and just as I'm about to past him; I see something out the corner of my eye that makes me stop dead in my tracks.

"It's her." I whisper.

The Girl from the GymWhere stories live. Discover now