He was dragged to his friend's car and shoved into the back seat. "Hey, Levi-bro!" Isabel said turning around in the front seat.
"What are you two doing here?" Levi asked begrudgingly.
"Came to find you at your apartment, no one answered so we used the spare key and you weren't there so we guessed you'd be here." Farlan said as he slid into the driver seat and pulled away from the club.
"You know, you really need to start picking different places to go to when you can't sleep." Isabel teased.
"How do you know I couldn't sleep." Levi grumbled.
"Because the blanket on your chair was all a mess as if you'd just gotten up from a nap." Isabel deduced.
"You sure are smart for an idiot." Levi quipped.
"Hey I'm not-" Farlan cut her off.
"Anyway. We came to tell you the last shipment arrived without any problems. Your idea of disguising it like that seemed to work." Farlan updated his boss.
"Of course it did. Well instruct our suppliers to do the same every time. From now on then." Levi said.
"Sure thing, big bro." Isabel chimed happily.
They sat in silence for a short while until Levi suddenly had a thought. "Where are we going?" He asked.
"Home, so you can get some proper sleep." Farlan answered.
"I'm fine." Levi tried protesting.
"No you're not, you've been all over the place lately. Spacing out in meetings, snapping a lot more than usual. Half the newbies have been scared to even say anything to you because your moods have been so inconsistent. They'll find out soon if you keep acting hormonal." Farlan scolded his friend lightly. Levi didn't have anything to say to that because usually Farlan was right.

So, he let them take him to their shared apartment on the edge of town. When they'd been younger they'd all shared this apartment and Levi still had a room there. He only used it on certain occasions however because it peeled back the mask that he tried so hard to maintain.
They climbed the stairs together and slipped into the door. It smelt warm and homely. Levi allowed the familiarity to engulf him. His eyes grew heavy and he yawned. "I'm fine." Farlan imitated Levi's earlier words.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Levi said. He removed his shoes and wandered off to the door at the end of the hallway. He took a deep breath and opened it.

It was a tiny box room that they'd kitted out after Levi moved into his own place. It was no longer a bedroom but a nest. Warm and cozy. Levi hated that he loved it. Every wall was covered in thick duvets that they'd nailed up. Blankets and pillows were piled in every corner. There was a ceiling fan to stop him from over heating. And two little cupboards attached high on the walls. One got filled with snacks and bottles of water so when Levi came to he could eat without having to leave the comfort of his nest. And the other, was filled with much less savoury items; lotions and toys of every size to help him along.
Because as much as Levi hated it and suppressed it so it was barely on his scent anymore, it didn't change the fact that he was and always would be an Omega.
The suppressants that Levi took were brilliant, the best he could get his hands on but considering they were brought on the black market and definitely weren't designed to be taken constantly they would sometimes fail. His body would win and he'd go into heat, this is what this room was for. So, the once every few months that the suppressants failed or when Isabel begged him to have a heat so he didn't get sick he came to this room, in the comfort and safety to ride it out.
Or when he went through a patch of really horrendous insomnia. It wasn't usual that he got more than about five hours of sleep but when that went down to two or three hours and the nightmares kept him awake at night this room also helped with that. Because again, as much as Levi hated it, being snuggled in a mass of blankets really fucking helped.
Levi striped the top layer of his clothes and crawled across the soft floor. He grabbed pillows and blankets as he traveled up the room. Stuffing them all in a corner and constructing a smaller blanket fort. He cuddled into the warm and let his eyes go heavy. Because Farlan was right, he wasn't fine.


Erwin sat down heavily in his chair as their office filled up. "I'm excited for this one." Hanji said, sitting on the table beside him. 
"It'll be a good one if we can get it the right info." Erwin replied to his colleague. The lead detective stood in front of them beside a big white board. He stuck a picture of a man on the board. "This is our guy. He's the leader of a small but prolific drug cartel that operates over the entire country." He said, pointing to the man.  Erwin looked over his picture, he'd been given it ahead of this time because he was going to be a very essential part to this plan.
It was a still shot of the man walking down the street. He had a black cap on the back of his head, his dark hair framing his face. Erwin couldn't quite tell the colour of his eyes but he could see how sharp they were. He seemed quite small but it was often the smaller ones they needed to look out for. "His name is Levi Ackerman and he's very good at hiding his business. We haven't managed to get any solid evidence on him yet so we've come up with this plan to finally take this guy down." The lead detective explained, "So, Detective Smith is going to go undercover and get close to this guy so we can get something solid on him. We don't know much about this guy's personality so it might take a bit of time but hopefully in the next couple of months we'll have him in cuffs. Everyone else is tasked with processing any information Smith gets and following leads that could make the operation run smoother." And with that the meeting was concluded after the smaller details were finalised.

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