Bad Feeling

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Me and Jim have already planned our escape, he completed his mission and has found all the stones and is on his way trying to get me out of here. Thank Merlin, i'm sick of this place, nothing good to eat here.  Me and nomura head out to the bridge by putting on the invisibility spell and packing some of MOrgana spell books. I hold onto little Enriche and put him into sleep. I saw Nomura waiting for me at the exit of the cave so i nodded my head telling her i was ready to go. 

As we headed where the bridge where Jim said he'll wait, I look back at the captivating cave and felt like the wind was speaking to me but i quickly brush it off as soon Nomura called my name. Half way there me and nomura started to have a conversation. 

''sooo, do you really think he would accept you after you tell him about your biological mother?'' i was silent for a moment trying to reflect if he ever will accept this side of me. 

3rd person's POV

as yn was lost in the train of thought, Enriche was whining for food so yn hurriedly grabbed a vial of milk and a stronger sleeping potion to prevent any of Gunmars men to come to them but it  made her push over two potions breaking them on the ground but not minding it at all. Thinking it wasn't of any importance, she gave the vial to Enriche, Nomura being the alert assassin she is heard someone coming towards them. She pushed yn behind a large rock and readied her blades. 

A shadow came to view and Nomura gestured to yn to stay there, before yn could say anything she smelled a horrible scent that was coming from the mix potions making her a tiny bit dizzy, she ignored that quickly and focused on the situation. And yet.....

''achoooooo!'' kinkshaming ( yep, i'm not changing anything, i don't care but to those who are still innocent DON"T TRY TO UNDERSTAND IT ) 

the shadow move towards them so Nomura had no choice but to attack. she jumped up from the rock and yelled and slashed her blades to the seeming enemy who quickly blocked it

'' WHAT THE AcTUaL HElL Nomura! '' Jim croaked. Hearing his voice, Yn slowly showed herself and was filled with joy in seeing Jim's face again 

''jim'' you whispered, he looks at you and smiles, he's sparkling blue eyes gaze at yours and his agonizing smile melted your heart. ''yn... your OK! '' 

He comes running to you, as you slowly walk to him till your breath hitches then your vision blurs, you called for his name in a hoarse voice seeing this, Jim quickly catches you before you could face plant to the ground

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

He comes running to you, as you slowly walk to him till your breath hitches then your vision blurs, you called for his name in a hoarse voice seeing this, Jim quickly catches you before you could face plant to the ground. He shakes you trying to wake you up. He holds your hand and place it in his cheek, what he didn't know though was a seemingly electric spark from your veins flowing through your arm and zap Jim on the cheek. He wince at the pain but couldn't focus on that, till he recognize the two vials on the ground along with sleeping Enriche which Blinky showed. 

''Master Jim, look. '' he points at the puddle of the two mixed potion '' it may have seem she accidentally created a potion therefore making her smell the ugh stench of this '' 

'' do you know what it did to her? '' jim ask as he move away a strand of hair from her face gazing at her with worriedness. '' unfortunately i do not, but might i suggest that Vendell must have known a cure but we must do it fast! for i am afraid we don't have much time '' 

''Gum-Gums '' Arrrgh says as he points out five of them from a rock above. 

Meanwhile, you opened your eyes to an old room, you were in a huge bed, your surroundings were like from a princess fairytale, except more dark colored, you sat up and looked at the window to see people moving around in old century clothes. You have to suggest you were in the medieval era but the question is why and how did you get there. you move onto a full body mirror and realize your wearing a green dress with gold lining dress. You see yourself in golden jewelries and your hair fixed in a high ponytail. ''okaay, where the hell am i? '' 

A door opened and enter a woman with dark hair and emerald eyes in a beautiful purple dress carrying a tray with food. 

( merlikians you better not talk about  this picture cuz you'll spoil the others about this)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

( merlikians you better not talk about  this picture cuz you'll spoil the others about this)

''oh my, your awake! You must be hungry, here eat up trust me, our chef makes the best desserts'' she says as she puts it down the table beside the bed. 

'' oh no please ma'am i dont think i deserve that, i should be going my friends are waiting for me'' you say as you reach for the door where she came in but she grab your arm. 

''please dont, i saw you hurt and i decided to take care of you, you see you were in the forest hyperventilating, i had to do something. I healed you and i think you should eat to gain some more energy then you can go back to your best friends  '' she smiled but you felt like it was force. You hesitated but agreed to her terms, you sat back down as you look at her features. 

'' if it helps you make  you feel comfortable. I'll tell you my name. I'm....                                                         Queen Guinevere but you can call me Gwen '' she grips your hand tightly for reassurement smiling giddily. You smiled back and felt comfortable with this woman but you stayed alert because you have a bad feeling about her.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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