forty ⭐ august 2021

Start from the beginning

Judi: We need to take you in.

Patty: I'm okay!

Judi: Lemme see your fucking phone, then.

Patty: Why?

Judi: So I can make sure you're "fine".

He gives her his phone to look up symptoms of nasal fractures.

Judi: You can't breathe through your nsoe, can you?

Patty: No.

Judi: Is your nose sore?

Patty: I cannot emphasize how sore it feels.

Judi: Let go of your nose.

Patty: Why?

Judi: Just do it.

Patty does as asked. Audible cracking sounds are heard [they're so loud the viewers can hear it].

Judi: Now I'm no doctor, but I believe you have what is called a broken nose.

Patty: No I don't!

Judi: Bro. Just fucking admit you have a broken nose, we already all know you do. I know you have a high pain tolerance but that doesn't mean just because you don't feel anything it's not bad.

Patty: [laughs] I only have a high pain tolerance physically. [laughs awkardly] Ha... you get my joke?

Judi: It fucking sucks.

Patty: Okay.

Judi: Come on, we gotta go. [takes her phone] Bye! Love you!

The live ends.

JUDI: Damn, you really gonna act like that in front of Awsten?

PATTY: He was watching it?

JUDI: Yeah.

PATTY: Why didn't you tell me?

JUDI: Because he deserves to see you breathing for a change, you know?

PATTY: I made that fucking joke while he was on.

JUDI: It's okay. [pulls him in for a hug] It's better that you don't pretend it didn't happen. [wipes blood from his face] Ew, that was a mistake.

PATTY: [wipes his blood off her hand] That's what I've been telling myself for the past four months.

JUDI: Aww, Patty. [grabs his hand] We gotta go for real this time.

PATTY: [smiles] I guess so, huh?

Both chuckle.


JUDI is driving PATTY to the emergency room. Her phone lays face up in the cupholder.

is patty okay?

Both see who it's from, but Patty pretends he didn't. She replies to him at the stop light.

but do we dare split apart? // ig // gawsten/pawstenWhere stories live. Discover now