(Gabriel) Something Kinda Different

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You were sick and tired of all of the people at your work. They always tried to talk to you, and try to strike up a conversation. One of them even stalked you a while back, do you covered his entire office door, with sticky notes saying things like "Keep following me, and I'll call the police. I'll kick your ass. I'll file complaints in the office. You'll feel worse than public humiliation next time. I'll get a restraining order against you." Things kind of like that. He really got humiliated, because just about everyone in the office read every single one of them. You had covered the entire door, in those notes, and oh boy, was he pissed. I was quite proud of myself, when he stopped stalking me though.

There were also people who wanted to be your friend. Most of the time, it was men who wanted to sleep with you, and one of them you did consider, because you could just tell that he was a kind man, and he didn't try to start with the adult stuff. He had actually wanted to start with a coffee run. Yeah, you could see in his eyes, that he was a very kind, and gentle man, but he did have his flaws. You could see through him. As a matter of fact, you could see through everybody. You had always had a gift within you. It showed you the true form of others. Because of your gift though, you have come across demons, and that didn't come out so well for them, because I had more than just the Superman eyes. I could do much more than that. But that was for a later time, when you really needed them, and even YOU hadn't known the full extent of it all.

Anyways, you wanted a break from your co-workers, and their thoughts. You didn't think you could handle one more thing that they said, and what they didn't say, because you could hear their thoughts as well. You were pissed, and most definitely stressed about it. You wanted to pop all of their brains out, so that they couldn't imagine themselves with those around the office. And I mean, I don't see how working at a newspaper office, could give people so much pent up lust. It just made you wonder if that was the mindset of a man. Always looking for a quick fix, to get on with his boring pathetic life, so that he can brag to all of his other trashy friend about that good stuff that he got. UGH! You were SO done with all of it, now. You needed to take a break from it, so you went to your favorite bar. Best alcohol for the best price

You sat at the bar, drinking two small glasses of Jack Daniels to start the night off. Eventually you jumped up to a glass of Scotch, then the Tequila. You drank slow, so that you didn't get drunk too quickly, and you only wanted to get a little buzz from it. You didn't want to be hammered, to the extent that you couldn't tell which keys were yours. That night, you saved for the really rough days, or the extremely boring ones. It took you about twenty minutes of sitting at the bar, for someone to walk up to you. He had dark blonde hair, and a pair of light blue eyes. He sat next to you, and said
Joanah(Joe-nuh) "Hi. My name's Joanah." He smiles slightly, and holds his hand out or you to shake. You do so, very annoyed with the fact that he was even talking to you. Though you knew he was very cute, and you would've happily flirted with him, and smiled like an idiot about him. Tonight just wasn't the night for that. You just wanted to shoo him off, before he could even get to the talking, but you thought he might be the one to lighten your day today, so you at least tried.
Y/n "Y/n. Nice to meet you." And you shake his hand. His smile widens slightly more, but not much. He places his elbow on the counter next to him, and his other on the back of his chair. At least he's not already invading your personal space You think to yourself.
Joanah "Sorry for coming' over here. I just had a question." He said, just a tad bit slurring, but you thought he was just nervous. You avoided reading his mind because you wanted some mystery in things, thinking that this guy was going to be a good guy.
Y/n "Alright. What would you like to ask me, blue-eyes?" You ask. He laughs, and continues.
Joanah "Okay." He says, preparing himself. He then looks down at your chest, and points towards your boobs, before asking something. "Er dose real?" As soon as he asks this, you scour his brain for an explanation, and you hear him thinking "So big." You then slap him across the face slightly, not enough to hurt him, but enough so that he might possibly get the point. He understand, and laughs hysterically, before turning around, and walking back to his little group of idiots, getting a round of high fives. You roll your eyes, annoyed, before looking to the bartender. You lift up your glass, gesturing for a refill, and when he walks over to you with the tequila bottle, you thank him with a sigh. He then sets the bottle next to you, before saying
Bartender "I'll just leave this here. I fear you'll need it, because you've got more than just his eyes on you. So, sorry to break it to you, but i've got a feeling the seat next to you will be warm for the rest of the night, because of all these assholes coming and going here." He laughs lightly, and you laugh sarcastically, before sighing again. Just as the bartender walked away, another man walked up, and sat next to me without even asking.

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