Romantic Hypothesis

Start from the beginning

When Entrapta hugged me she used both her arms and her hair. I was pretty much trapped in her hold. Since I was taller than her it felt like I was hugging a shorter than average person. I was. This itself felt stupendous. I could feel her body heat touch my body and my heart beat was faster than when we held hands. I was blushing and I didn't care. I was so happy, maybe I was in love. The timer went off and we un-embraced. "Ok, how did you feel this time?" "I felt warm and comfortable. Kinda like if I was holding a giant pillow with both arms." She lightly blushed. It seemed as if neither of us was going to stop blushing. "That's an enthusiastic answer." This was really good progress. On to the next one. 

"Next up is being pinned against a wall." "How so?" Reasonable question. "You'll be on the wall with your back against the wall and I'll be in front of you with my arm on the wall above you. I've heard it's romantic." "It does sound like what the dominant person in a relationship would do." "That's rather correct. Do you by chance have any experience with something like this?" "No. I don't really get out enough for stuff like that to happen to me." So she has no romantic experience. Great to be aware that neither of us have experience in this. 

"With that noted, get up against the wall, we'll do thirty seconds and then we'll switch. And before you ask, you'll be doing it too so I'll know how you feel being dominant in the situation." "I wasn't but thanks for addressing." Entrapta put her back against the wall. "Ready?" "Ready." I grab the timer. "Three, Two, One!" I put my arm above her body, shadowing her with my body. I could see her blush hardly. As stated before, I actually felt dominant at the moment. This was quite the experience. Thirty seconds went by rather fast when I heard the timer go off. "You know the drill by now. How did you feel?" "I felt small and embarrassed, but weirdly happy to be honest." Good results. "Understood. Now it's your turn." I put my back against the wall. "Won't this be inefficient with my height?" She asked. "Doesn't matter much. Just do it and see how it feels." "Wait! I have an idea! I'll just use my hair to be taller." "That's actually a good idea." "Alright!" She raised her body by having her hair lift her by the head. She didn't flinch when that happened, likely she'd done it before. "Start the timer." She demanded. "Ok. Three, Two, One, go!" 

She put her arm above my body. I hadn't thought of what this would feel like but I was feeling it. My heart rate increased once more, I actually felt dominated by her somehow. Sure her height increased but she was still her cheery self. I guess I know how she felt, small and dominated, but weirdly happy. The timer went off. Entrapta took her arm off the wall and lowered herself down. I took a breath before talking. "Ok, how did you feel?" "I felt superior! And tall. Felt like I was in control." "That sounds right." Now it was time for the final part, dancing. 

I don't know how to choreograph dancing so bare with me please. 

"Next up is dancing. We can dance however we like and will keep doing it until we're either tired or feel done. Sound good?" "Sounds alright." "Well since it's alright do you mind if I put music on. People tend to like dancing to music so they have a beat." "Sounds efficient. I'm assuming it'll be something romantic like slow dancing." "If it sounds that way to you. I'm just gonna put something that sounds nice and that you could dance easily to." "Nothing romantic? Wouldn't it make more sense to listen to something more lovey dovey?" "Maybe, but I'm trying to get general feelings, not outright romance." "Well it's your project, do what you want." I went over to her big computer and put in some music. 

Have this song in your head. 

The music started playing. It had a nice rhythm to it. It felt like the nice music to dance to with Entrapta. "So, ready to dance?" "Indeed." She responded. "Should I just dance however?" "Whatever you feel like doing." "Ok. I don't have much experience in this, but here I go." She started to move her hips side to side to start a rhythm. She put her arms half up with her fist closed and moving them with her hips. I imitated her because I had no clue how to start. 

I started moving away from Entrapta for more space. I kept swinging side to side but kept my arms up and still. I tried spinning a bit to try something different. Entrapta lifted herself up with her hair and started swinging her whole body. Very nice. So far I felt my heart beat rise and my face heat up. I felt over all happy. I'm so glad Entrapta agreed to this so I can find out my feelings. This whole time while "experimenting" I hadn't actually felt aroused, I was happy the whole time. I think I knew what this ment. If I hadn't felt horny, and only felt happy, then that only means one thing... I was in love. I was in love with Entrapta. 

The song was getting to it's end so I decided to end the dancing near her. I got in front of her and looked into her eyes and she looked back at me. I put out my hands for her to grab. She grabbed my hands while still standing on her hair with her eyes leveled to my nose. We moved our bodies left to right across the room. This moment was so stellar, the music and the movement felt like total bliss. I spread out my arms, making Entrapta's arm with me. Our chest got closer and I let go of her hands and hug her. She then hugs me back and the song ends. 

Our eyes locked. Those magenta eyes of hers are so beautiful to look at. She moved her head closer to me and I didn't register it. Then the unexpected happened. She kisses me. She kissed me. She made the move?! Our lips locked as if we'd kissed before. She then moves her head back. I was flabbergasted at the motion. Of the kiss, not the moving her head back motion. 

I was so taken aback with what had just happened. My heart rate flew, my face was warm. I still can't believe that happened and Entrapta was just smiling at me with a enormous grin and blushing to boot. I spoke finally. "Why did you do that? Not that it was bad but... why?" She responded. "I knew what you were trying to do. I knew once I looked at your list that you were trying to start something." "I wasn't trying to start anything. I just wanted to know if I had feelings for you, and see if you felt the same way." "Well your experiment was a success. I have feelings for you. The romantic kind." She then kissed me again. I kissed back. This kiss felt so... exhilarating, kissing someone I loved. 

I pulled back and I said to her "Entrapta, I love you. And I hope this thing between us goes on. I want to experience this with you." She responded. "I love you too Thomas. This feeling that I feel with you is explosive and warming." This time I kissed her. We were in love and it felt great. Entrapta pulled away and spoke up. "Well, since we love each other, there's something we have to do now." "What is that?" I asked. She let go of me and grabbed my right hand. She started to pull me. "We are going to breed!" 


Oh boy! What is she thinking? Where is this going? I have it planned and it won't just be for people who want to read smut! 

I wrote over 2000 words! So many. I'll be working on the next one, and it'll be NSFL (Not safe for lab). 

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