New Girl

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With the dawn, Crimson's mother stirred. They'd been living with the pack for a week now and had gotten used to the new schedule. The adults would rise with the sun to go hunting for lunch, aside from the Trainers. The teens, went to get fish from the creek that ran nearby before training started, and the pups's six and under get watched by the elders. After a few hours, when the Hunters got back from the hunt, they would break and eat lunch. it usually consisted of two bucks and a doe, which was more than enough for the young wolves. The adults ate while on their hunts all throughout the day, the 7-14 year olds would train all day with little to no breaks, and the six-under kids would get watched by the elders and told stories and legends. The first week of being there, the Alpha himself made sure Crimson felt welcomed, made sure she was eating enough and drinking enough, and showed her the boundaries of their pack while the Beta lead the hunts.

She liked it with the Darknight pack and for the first time in three years, she slept easy, ate until she was full, her thoughts weren't full of those about Aiden, Tristen, and Trace, and she actually found herself liking life as a rogue. She had a good time relaxing and building her strength up again, but today was special. Today was the first day of training for Crimson. She went down to the creek nearby and caught her fish. After her belly was full, a sensation she was still not used to, Crimson started heading down to the clearing the Alpha had shown her for training.

She was early, so she decided to find a nice tree to climb like she used to do with Aiden, Tristen, and Trace, all the time. She found a suitable one and started climbing. It was a bit harder as a wolf and it had been a while, but because she had done it so much in both forms, she'd climbed up to the top in thirty seconds flat. She was alone in the clearing for about a minute when she heard a voice below her. She peeked down through the branches and saw Orion muttering something about his new target with Stormflare.

Orion was a big wolf with solid whitish blue fur and pink and yellow eyes that glowed when he was mad. He was a beautiful wolf, and she was jealous. She was a black wolf with one crimson eye. The other was blind and pearly white with four scars across it. Her eyes and stripes of her fur glowed dark crimson when she had very strong feelings towards something, or someone, and she was as big as Orion. Stormflare was a bit smaller than the two of them but still muscular and he was gray with blue eyes.

She decided to go down to the ground because if Orion was here, the others would soon follow.
As she landed, she heard Orion chuckle behind her.

"Well. Looks like the new girl is a monkey." He sneered, "Yo! Blackie, rogues don't climb trees."

"This one does." She responded curtly, "And just fyi, my name is Crimson."

"I know. I'm not an idiot."

"That's highly debatable." She muttered.

"What did you just say?" He asked menacingly.

"Oh did you not hear me? I said it's highly debatable that your not an idiot."

"Just how would I be an idiot?"

"Well for one thing, your picking on a new girl, when you don't know how strong she is."

"Tch. I could beet you with one paw tied behind my back. Even if you have put on a few pounds I'll still crush you."

"Oh yeah. Prove it."

"Oh I will. In training. Of which, let me remind you, I have years." He smirked

She heard a branch snap in the distance and figured the rest of the kids would be here soon. Orion and Stormflare looked back and Orion growled.

"Looks like someone is lucky," Orion sneered getting in her face.

"Oh yeah? And who might that be? You?" Crimson teased.

"I wouldn't push your luck newbie. I'm the oldest and could beat anyone here including you. "

Stormflare spoke up then, "Uh, 'Rion, she's older than you and she didn't die as a rogue. Plus she's about the size of you and looks pretty strong."

"So what? You're taking her side?!" Orion looked disgusted, "You're supposed to be my best friend."

"I am, I was just saying before challenging her you might wanna at least see her in training?"

"What's there to see? She's a girl! I trained for years now and I'm on top!"

"Well I'm just saying she looks stronger than me and I beat you sometimes."

"You only win when I let you. I could take her anyday."

"You sure about that?"

He glared at Stormflare but said nothing. He just growled before muttering, "Fine."

Louder, he said, "I will crush you."

"Alright, when and where. I'd like to see that." Crimson challenged.

"Don't. Test me." He lowered his voice and the words were practically growled. She noticed that when he growled the pink in his eye glowed ever so slightly. She brushed it off as the light changing from the leaves shifting overhead.

For a 13 year old he was pretty intimidating and when she looked in his eyes she got chills down her spine. She wanted to cower under his harsh glare but instead she just raised her head, puffed her chest, and said, "Or what?"

Stormflare looked at Crimson like she was crazy, but he seemed slightly impressed and snorted behind Orion. That made him growl even lower and his eye flashed brighter letting her know that it wasn't the sun. He opened his mouth to say something but rustling in the bushes behind him made him stop.

He turned around and walked away from her as the rest of their section walked in, chatting and laughing. Hidasha ran up to her brother and his entire attitude changed. He was smiling like a kid on Christmas and when she was telling him about what had happened with her friends he was matching her energy. It was as if his personality had a switch he could flip. If she hadn't been threatened less than five minutes before she wouldn't've even had a bad thought about him.

"He's only like that to her," A voice whispered beside her. She looked to see Stormflare standing beside her looking at his friend.

"You're Stormflare right?" She asked politely.

"Yea, also I'd recommend not taking what he says personally, his sister's the only person he has left so he's got some anger issues."

"Alright I won't."

"Anyway, gotta go looks like the instructer's here," He said walking off. 

She could kinda relate to not having anybody. Her father left when she was little and her mother was her only other family member. Not that she was complaining, she had hardly any memories of her father, and the ones she did have were of him yelling at her mom. Her mom never brought him up and Crimson could tell her father wasn't worth bringing up or remembering.

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