The Victory on the Beach

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The Far Isle

King Rufio stood on one of the many hills that we on on Far Isle. His men still stood at attention waiting for either the princess to arrive or to slaughter ever last man who attacked them.

The sun shines off of their shields which were covered with rhyolite rock, a rock that would not melt. He smirked at the glimmer, he would never forget the faces of the dragon riders when they noticed that he had not caught fire. With their enemy's army across the sea, they left their home open to attack. And attacked they were.

"Oh what a beautiful sight, brother" the King turned to see Alder his brother staring out to the battle field.
Alder couldn't help but stare at the dead dragons that were scattered in front of him. He couldn't wait to cut off the claws of the green one that he shot down earlier that day as a trophy. He debated on if he wanted to wear it as a necklace.

"There is no sound that is more satisfying than hearing a dragon cry as it falls from the sky," Alder continued while wrapping his arm around his brother. They had done it, he thought. They had beaten the dragon riders. He quickly reminded himself that this was only the beginning, soon everyone would bend to them.

The King stared out to the battlefield. Beautiful was not the word he would use. The dead dragons were an accomplishment in themselves because, but his men laid dead next to the beasts.

"When is the girl to arrive?" Alder asked getting rather annoyed at his unresponsive brother. He scoffed at the fact of marriage, but he could not challenge his brother. He was King.

"She will be here any moment," The King replied. Wishing his brother would go back to his position in his army.

"And if we see a dragon in sight?" Alder asked with a wicked smile crossing his face.

"Then we will see a dragon fall from the sky," The King replied while walking back towards his army.

Over the past few days, Rufio had grown tired of his younger brother's blood lust. He could not deny that his brother inspired his people, and would strike nothing but fear into his enemies; however, the strategies of war are lost to him.

Asking for the dragon King to marry his daughter children was a gamble. The dragon King was a wild card, they said his brain was part man part dragon. He might be part dragon, but he was still a man. He was a father to not only his children, but his dragon.

While the harpoons had brought down the dragons, if his harpoon shooters were burned down or the fire went close enough to the shields he would lose. All it takes is one good shot from either side and the battle could change.

The King sighed as he saw a horse come over the mountaintops. He couldn't help but let a sigh of relief escape him, there would be no more bloodshed.

Playa Road

Larissa halted her horse when she saw the army. When she was a little girl her mother would take Larissa and her brothers to the Far Isle any warm day she could. Even when they grew older they still ate dinner on that beach. Those were her favorite memories growing up. When her and her mother danced under the dragons that flew above them while her brothers and father would practice their swordsmanship. Those were only memories now, she prayed to the gods that those weren't the last happy memories she had left.

As she kicked her horse to move forward, she tried to swallow the fear inside her. She could hear her father scolding her on how dragons are never scared. She was a dragon. It was only temporary she whispered to herself over and over, remembering the words that her brother had whispered into her ear while she said goodbye.

She guided her horse through her homeland, alone. She wished that her father had let someone go with her. If not her father then her brother or possibly one of his trusted guard.

Her father's words echoed in her head, "You must go alone and show no weakness. We Akis shall show no weakness."

She remembered as she hugged her brother goodbye he whispered, "This is only temporary. They will pay for what they have done to our home"

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