Arnav does nt reply..

Khushi comes inside..

Khushi-so mr.raizada is angry on me?

Arnav turns round..

Khushi-oh common arnav!m really sory I cn't u forgive me?look  she holds her ears…n starts duin sit ups..saying sorry sorry n sorry

Arnav smiles after seeing dis-krusha stop!fine I forgive u dis tym bt nt next tym m nt gna hear a single word of u leaving dis home okay?

Khushi gives a smirk

Khushi-okay fine hav ur medicines n khushi drops d medicines…

Khushi-uffoo wait I get it..

Khushi bents she bents..her hair slides away n a her half back is exposed…wer she hav d mark on d body..

Arnav juz turns around n in thunder shock to c d mark on krusha's back!

Khushi gets up gives him she get confused..after watching arnav's shocking gesture

Khushi-wt hpn arnav?

Arnav does nt respond…

Khushi-arnav!!!!!!wt hapnd she shakes him…


Khushi-wer hav u lost..take ur medicines..get ready n come fast down…

Khushi is about to leave..

Arnav-wait a sec krusha!

Khushi stops!turns back

Arnav-can I ask u something?


Arnav-hw did u got d mark on ur back?

Khushi(shocked) she recalls dat she got dis injured wen she saved..arnav!

Khushi (stammers n deny totally)- got dis mark wen I was really small,,n got hurted..


Khushi-yess…….khushi cannot bear his uspicious question..n leaves..i hav to do lot of work..u get ready n come down..leaving arnav really suspicious dis tym…

Arnav-no krusha!..u r hiding sumthng big from me…n dis mark..hw it cud b so similar wit khushi's mark?.wt r u hiding krusha?u need to answer me...arnav getting restless..

Sangeet :

Khushi was restless as she thought arnav getting hint! She decides nt to confront arnav til d sangeet is ova

Lavanya comes towards khushi..

Lavanya-krusha!di hav called u in d outside store room as per..she said der is sumthing imp ova der..plz go n check out

Khushi agrees it…as she as it is dn't wna confront arnav..

Lavanya thinks..go miss per this day wil b ur last day I promise…she smiles evily…

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