Chapter Two

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I opened my eyes. Based on the musty smell, the pitch blackness of my surroundings, and the drafty air, I knew I was still in the walls. But the real question was where in the walls. I sat up, only to realize shortly after, that my arms were tied snugly in front of me. I sighed loudly out of sheer frustration. Why me? Why did everything wrong always have to happen to me? Why couldn't I be happy, like most people my age. Settled down with a family. But instead, I'm stuck in a house with a psycho!

After a few seconds, Brahms slowly appeared out of the shadows, and cocked his head. Only then did I realize that I had been talking aloud. Had he heard me? My eyes went wide and I began to internally panic. Was he going to hurt me for calling him a psycho? He started to slowly step towards me. I tried to shrink back into the wall against my back as much as I could, fear taking over my senses. The last thing I wanted to do, was to tick him off. He knelt down to my level, and placed his dirty calloused hand on my cheek. I flinched at his touch, so cold and forced. I didn't want to feel him, I wanted to get away from him.
He let his hand drop down from my cheek to my jacket collar. It lingered there for at least a minute before he finally jerked it back to his side. I let out a shaky breath once he stepped to a respectful distance away.

He cocked his head once more and before I could react, he had grabbed me, hoisted me up over his shoulder, and began to sprint through the walls. My head was spinning like crazy. How could he move so fast carrying me?! I didn't fight him, I knew it would be a huge mistake, if anything I wanted him to trust me. My eyes watered, dust and dirt found their way into them as we moved. where were we going? His grip on me was tight, but he wasn't hurting me. After what felt like hours but was probably only five minutes going through the walls, we finally popped out of the closet of my bedroom. As if it were an old friend that I hadn't seen since childhood, tears welled in my eyes as I looked around at the bedroom. The last time I was in here, I was happy. I was clueless, but happy. I clasped a hand to my mouth to keep the sobs in, as I knew it would alarm Brahms and I didn't want to talk to him. At this point All the horror, shock, and pain had finally caught up with me, and I felt as if I was going to have a mental break down. I sat on the floor and hung my head. I was scarred.

I heard the small taps of Brahms' footsteps on the hardwood as he neared me. I ignored him the best I could and kept my head low. I prayed he wouldn't touch me, at this point I could snap at anytime. "Greta"? Brahms' childlike voice broke the eire silence. I snapped my head to look at him tears staining my dirty face, "Brahms, please use your adult voice when you're talking to me, you clearly aren't eight anymore"! I snapped. I immediately shut my mouth and mentally cursed myself for spiking an attitude with him. He flinched a little at my harsh words. I closed my eyes, expecting a hit or some type of pain to strike me, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see a frightened Brahms next to me.
"Is this better"? He asked, his voice drastically lower and more husky. I cringed at it but nodded. I secretly liked his child voice better since that was what I had come to trust before all of this, but if I was going to get him to trust me, I'd have to act like I wanted what was best for him. I wiped my tears, and sighed trying to calm myself.
"Greta"? Brahms asked again. I looked at him but only for a second before turning away again. I couldn't look at him for more than a second without feeling sick. He killed Cole and he probably killed Malcom. I couldn't look at a killer like that. "Greta"! Brahms snapped. I popped my head up and looked at him wide eyed. Once Brahms got my attention, he calmed "please don't be mad at me". He said almost begging. I turned away, I wasn't mad at him, I was beyond mad. I was utterly disgusted.

I felt his hand creep up my arm. I had enough. "Stop Brahms, just stop"! He jumped and stared at me. I continued "you killed someone, and injured another right in front of me and you expect me not to be mad at you"?! Brahms continued to stare at me. I shook my head "I don't know about you, but where I come from killing someone puts you in jail"! Brahms had enough at this point because he was growling at me. He lunged at me and grabbed my arm
"I don't care what you say, because it doesn't change the fact that Cole is dead"! I shut my eyes tight. I hated Cole, but I didn't think he deserved to be murdered. Brahms' fingers were digging into my arms at this point
"Brahms, I gasped, you're hurting me" Brahms didn't let up
"I'm the boss now, you obey my rules, understand"?
I nodded and bit my lip. This was going to be harder than I thought. Brahms immediately softened his grip on my arm, and touched my cheek "Good girl", he purred. I suppressed a gag in my throat. Good girl? Was I a dog now? He fully let go of my arm and backed away. The awkwardness of that moment made me want to melt into the floor. Here I was standing in front of a psycho. What the hell happened to me?!

Brahms broke the silence once more, "are you hungry"? He asked, his voice full of concern. I shook my head. I was starving but I refused to eat with him. He seemed to catch on to my defiance and smirked "then it's time for lessons, I expect our routine to be the same as all the others". Only then did I realize that it was morning and Brahms wanted to go through the schedule like any normal day. Did he honestly think that things could ever go back to the way they were?! A wave of sickness came over me like a fog
"I have to use the restroom", I said surpressing a gag. He nodded and I didn't waste any time sprinting to the bathroom and locking the door. I immediately threw up in the toilet, and began to cry. I was stuck here, I couldn't escape. Brahms had the upper hand, there wasn't a nook or cranny he didn't know about. I was doomed. I contemplated keeping myself locked in the bathroom, but his voice soon rang from behind the door,
"You can't hide in there Greta, I can find you wherever you are". I held my breath and pulled my knees to as my chest. The choice was now. Go with him or die. Before I could make the choice, Brahms busted through the door and glowered down at me. "It's time for lessons". I nodded, and got up. The decision would have to wait, even if I had no time left. Once Brahms saw my cooperation, his eyes lightened and he offered me his arm. I reluctantly took it, but I complied to keep him calm. Trust. That was the key out of here.

Once we arrived in the library room, I sat on the sofa. The same one I read to the doll Brahms on only hours ago. I picked up the novel we had been working on, and opened the book to the marked spot where I had left it. I assumed Brahms had been following along during my reading before, so I didn't offer to start over. I frankly didn't care. Brahms sat down next to me. His eyes were wide. Confused I turned my attention back to the book. As I said the first word, Brahms slowly lowered himself onto my lap. His head nestled down against my stomach. I flinched at his sudden movement, my body began to shake. As if Brahms had no clue that he was the reason for my anxiety, he reached up and began to caress my face "it's alright" he said "continue". I cleared my throat and took a small breath. Just get through reading, and then you can be done.

The book seemed to last forever. Between Brahms' mask, and his frequent random giggles I didn't retain anything I was reading. As if I was skimming over something zoned out. When I finally finished, I placed the book down and asked in a strained voice if Brahms could get up. He didn't. "Brahms", I said in a stern voice, "get up". He sat up and grabbed my face "I'm the boss, I get up when I please"! Like a switch his whole demeanor changed. He yanked me up and pushed me against the wall. I whimpered at his force. He bent down into my ear and whispered "it's music time". He backed away and strode toward the record player. I shuttered and slid down the wall. His closeness was enough to make me vomit. I couldn't stand being near him. In fact, I couldn't stand another day here.
Sorry for the short chapter!! I had a little bit of a writers block and I was stuck for a while. I really wanted to get another chapter out there though so here it is!
I didn't initially plan to make Brahms so dominant because in the movie he kind of lets Greta take control, but I figured you could sympathize with Greta's character more if Brahms was more of a bad guy. I assure you he won't be like this forever, but all jerks start off like jerks (lol) so enjoy chapter two and hopefully I'll have chapter three ready later this week!!!
P.S. thank you so much for the votes!! It means a lot, and please don't hesitate to correct me on any spelling, or grammar errors!

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