They took a step towards him only to fall down hard. Baekhyun threw a hard punch on the fuck faced nose and side kicked the other one beside him. Then pivoting slightly ninety degrees, he high kicked the one from his back. The others were taken aback by his sudden attack. Baekhyun put his hapkido skills against the five men in front of him. This made their leader more violent and this time they rounded him off, kicking and punching him all at the same time. They're too much for him to handle. He couldn't last a fight that long.

Bloodied and out of breath, he still struggled and put up a fight even though he's hands were already tied at the back. He was pushed face down on the floor, his two feet held up tight by two thugs, his pants forcefully dragged down off him as air whooshed from his uncovered legs. Crazy hoots gave him the shivers through his spine as he realised what's about to happen to him. Fear visible in his eyes, he tried to beg for them to stop only to be slapped hard on his face.

"Tsk tsk, you should have done that a while ago faggot!!! Now you have to pay for what you did." the beastly male whose sickening breath blow on Baekhyun's face horribly laugh.

Hands, groping at his privates, teeth biting his sensitive skin on his back. They're everywhere. Two men touching him both at the same time while two more holding him down. He can see the other one sitting and just watching the by play of events happening in front of him. It's an agony for Baekhyun. He finally just closed his eyes as tears run down his face and accepted the fate that's about to happen. His naked backside pushed upwards as he felt a finger about to poke his butthole.

A surprised gasped was emitted from the one who looks outside as it was kicked and thrown inside. He heard a loud crash from behind him and a thud as if bodies connecting to another, the sound of cracking bones and helpless scream of pain coming from his abductors echoed inside the almost empty building. Curdling sound of agony and curses came out of the leader's bloodied mouth. He was soon held up to sit by Minho, one of his classmate and a friend of Tao's, covering his naked body with his coat while calling for the police and an ambulance.  Baekhyun saw his best friend kicking and punching the man who pinned him down and kept going at it until the man seemed to be unconscious. The others are already done for. Thinking that it was now safe, Tao walked towards Baekhyun. Only to feel a tug of pain near his chest as a sound of gun triggered and fired at him. He fell flat near where Baekhyun is huddled beside Minho, his first protect his best friend so he grabbed the next thing he saw beside him, a slab of wood four inch thick and threw it with force right on the face of  the fucking bastard who shot him, making sure that this time the asshole is out cold. He can hear his best friend's howling wail calling his name. Saw him trembling while covering his ears with both hands and crying out loud, huddling closer beside a wooden barrel. Minho tried to reach for Baekhyun, but it was too much for the other to comprehend, shock settling in causing him to trash out and fought against the helping male. Minho stared at the Baekhyun helplessly as Tao gestured at  him to move away slowly.

Although the pain is killing him by the minute, Tao eased up near Baekhyun. Hiding the pain by smiling and carefully sat next to his uncontrollably shivering friend. The sound his cry agonisingly tear him apart.

"Hush now. I'm hear...I'm okay. See??? I'm fine. Come on babe. Come here. Tao's here." hissing in pain, he urged Baekhyun towards him and hugged him tightly, making sure that his body is well covered with the coat Minho used to hide his nakedness. He was thankful they arrived just in time to save his best friend. As Baek snuggled closer to him, he smelled the sweet scent of strawberry talcum powder the he frequently uses now. His friend is slowly growing breast as well. Indication that his hormonal imbalance is starting to fasten changing him from male to more of a female now. God! How can he protect him/her now if something happens to him?

The sound of sirens coming from the arriving patrol cars and ambulance gave him the hope he was waiting for. Rest. He badly needed rest. Everything is turning into black. He fought to keep his eyes open just only until he made sure Baekhyun was taken in the ambulance. See you soon buddy...Tao thought to himself as he finally succumbed to the darkness that beckons him from afar. Flashback of their fun times together comes right out of his closed eyes as the doctors work their way in saving his life.


Everyone in the room stared at Tao as he lifts his sweater to reveal an inch long stitch near between his right and left chest where the gunshot exited from behind his back up to the front. Chen, Kyungsoo and Luhan are crying silently as they were all being hugged by their crushes, Minseok earning higher points by receiving a gentle peck on his cheek from Chen. Chanyeol, now sees Tao in a different light and thankful of his gallant deed. But what surprises everybody was the unsuspecting action of Kris, who silently listens to his story then suddenly coming up to him, taking him by the waist and kissing him deeply like there was no tomorrow right in front of everyone, unmindful of what they will think. All Kris know and feel is that Tao is safe and alive and in his arms.

Though Tao was taken aback by Kris' action, he kissed him back passionately, groping each other like hungry hyenas in a desert. Gasped and shocked eyes looked at them in amazement.

"Ahm, guys!!! We're here you know." complained Kai and Sehun

"Darn it!!! Get a room!!!" chuckled Suho and Lay as they grin from ear to ear hugging each other and envying the two.

" Wait till Baekie sees that Tao! She might freak out and full Kris' hair. No one kisses her best friend and come out alive if he was hurt." guffawed Minseok earning him another kiss from Chen only this time right on his waiting mouth.

Author's note

So what do you think of it chingus? Did you like it?
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