Chapter 1 :

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The moonlight gracefully made the already picturesque view even more heavenly pleasant, its effortless dances through the ruthless breeze of a starless night made the world seem like a magical fairytale where happily ever after's still existed, where humanity stood still against all odds like the candle of hope at the end of the tunnel, wavering, maybe, but never dimming out, where days were simply peaceful.
This overly glorious moon, the moon that watched over our oh-so-dear earth for decades, was creating illusions and inventing lies with its blindingly beautiful lights to cover the ugliest of the truths in our world: The world where night rules and darkness slays, the world where it is best to lie than to be be put in a trance-like phase, The world that will soon end.

The moon illuminated a lonely forgotten window, where the lights of Christmas didn't shine and the warm fuzzy feeling of love didn't rise.
Through the window stood the figure of a girl that constructed the beauty of the night, and almost, almost made the moon frown. She was alone ,at home ,in her rather dark room ,not wanting to wake up nor to try and sleep because standing up was too tiresome and giving in to the undying feeling of sleepiness was almost impossible .
She was looking at the ceiling , long lost in her train of thoughts , blocking the soft whistles of the breeze and the harmonious whispers of tree-branches , not feeling the moonlight grazing her soft porcelain skin ,highlighting her well-defined features and showering her blank emotionless expression in light, ironically . She didn't know what's happening around her but she couldn't careless , the only signs of her being alive were the shallow movements of her chest .
She stayed like that , unmoving , uncaring ,for God knows how long until she felt the bright rays of sunshine tingling her eyes and trying to wash her pain away .
She groaned lightly then woke up with a slight difficulty , and did her morning routine .

She went to the kitchen ,took a bread with some jam then left to her workplace , to the coffee next to her small apartment , there , she works as a waitress , and God knows how much she hates that work !

-Good morning , yvie , how ya doin' ?
-The usual , i guess.
And , just like every morning , she met her best friend and her least favourite customer ; Sandra Inderson, the happy-go-lucky type of person and , do believe , how they stayed friends for over seven years is still beyond her . They were polar opposites , the exact definition of difference and almost the cause the theory "opposites attract" even existed . While Sandra was the social butterfly , the smiley of the two ,Yvonne was ,well , so Yvonne , a scowling face and an unwelcoming aura .
Sandra looked at her , a bit annoyed .
- The usual ? Com'on Yvie . Express to impress . The weather is so beautiful and so is the world , the skies are so ,um, wonderful so why don't you smile ,oh dear lord ...
- The usual dark coffee ?
She said while preparing her order .
- Yeah , whatever , you joy killer . So , for the sake of our old memories , let's meet up and regret our life decisions together ! What d'ya think ?
- ... as you wish,but now i have work to do . See you later .
- Later , grumpy old woman .


It was before sundown, the golden atmosphere seemed to swoon her off of her feet and the breathtaking sleepy sun gave her away a feeling of pure perfection, pure kindness. The ball of a now-dimmed lights looked like a lost child giving in to the flattering promises of Morphee, it went down the depth of the infinite sky, confused as to whether it is a destiny or a choice of hers to shine upon the world and, just like Yvonne , the sun doesn't know the value of her symbolic existence nor the true meaning of her life...

Yvonne had just finished her meeting with her friend and felt like throwing her sorrowful soul in the dark abyss of sleepiness but figured right after that it won't happen as the insomnia, a lovely existence, kept her company during the night and prevented her from sleeping, with its muted thoughts, so, instead of tossing and turning in hopes of getting some rest, the brunette found herself walking mindlessly, looking like a miserable spirit, overthinking her desperately useless life decisions, letting her feet lead her to wherever destiny chose best until she found herself in front of a bookstore, a creepy looking bookstore, and leave it to here to be intrigued by scary sceneries, not even hesitating a second to enter and feel lost in a newer world, a bigger dimension, a brighter reality, a beginning and an ending. She indeed felt lost and trapped between four scarlet walls, in a vast space, before her stood majestic ranges of royal books and ethereal novels but one book only seemed to have her entire attention, a blood-like covered piece of art, intriguingly breathtaking, with an equally exotic title that put the other novels to shame : "If Only..". And, being a book lover herself, she couldn't resist the urge to read the resume at the back of the book : Dust is Everywhere And Rust invades our iron wills, Yesterday, Various endings were pOssible and Now a Natural path to cross is Ethereal acts ... Who is the mysterious saver and the unlucky bearer? SAVE US.
Bewildered, frozen to place, lost in a world of words and drowning in wonders, Yvonne felt the need to buy the book for it is a rare occasion to find something that mysterious, that enigmatic, that intriguing, that bewitching and that authentic.
Was it the title , was it the words that seemed well-chosen, was it the creepy vibes the library gave, OR, was it the choice of the cover that mostly attracted her?
An unanswered wondering for now, and a mystery to solve for her.

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