"She called you?"

"She didn't have to! I sensed it as soon as the sky turned black! And you! How did you let this happen? You're supposed to be her best friend!"

"People think we're friends? Ha! People! Where do I sit? I sit here now." Maya said.

She pushed Sarah out of her, Sarah smiled.

"Fine. I'm the Maya now. The way it always shoulda been."

Mr. Matthews faced the two siblings, "What about you two?"

"We weren't there." Noah said.

"This cannot be our fault." Lollie said, "But I one hundred percent agree with Maya, that we don't know who she is and why she goes against Topanga Matthews like that."

"You see. These are smart kids."

"I mean come on. Have you've met our mother?" Noah asked.

"Having her and Topanga in the same room is dangerous."

Noah and Lollie took their seats.

"Riley, apologize to your mother and do whatever she asks." Lucas said.

"Yeah. The finale's probably not even gonna be any good." Zay said.

"You guys aren't even watching it?"

"Are you crazy?" Farkle asked.

"Red Planet sleepover at my house!" Farkle said.

Lucas smiled, "I'm bringin' s'mores!"

Farkle faced Lollie, "Sorry, Lollie it's a boys' night, but Noah you can come."

"You cannot watch those movies without me tonight while I'm at Farkle's."

"I won't."

"Riley, let it go. You can't win this." Mr. Matthews said.

"What is the matter with everybody? This is normal, healthy teenage rebellion. This is supposed to happen. I'm right on schedule. How could this go wrong?"

"Educate her, Hambone." Farkle said.

"Chapter One: Crushing defeats. Godzilla... versus Japan."

"Japan loses, Riley." Farkle said.

"Really loses."

"Tell her how bad they lose."

"They lose so bad their voices come out of their mouths three seconds later."

"How does that compare to what's going on here?" Riley asked.

"Because what's going on here is Godzilla versus Riley." Lollie said, "You're Riley."

"I'm a teenager. I'm in high school, I have rights, and it's time that I said so."

Mr. Matthews pulled out a walnut.

"Why do you have one walnut in a bag?" Maya asked.

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