Slow walkers

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So I was in the hall today you know walking to my next period when all of a sudden I get stuck behind a slow walker. these people are the people that just could care less if they get to class on time or are really tired and not ready to do anything with their lives. ok let me be honest I am one of those people on somedays but if I go to my friends locker and then to my locker and I have one minute to get to the other end of the school then I swear to god if you are in my way and you are walking slow I will push you down and yell " EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF! " this just annoys me so much and then if they are tardy they blame it on their friends or their locker I'm like bitch we all know you were just walking really slow in the hallways so don't be complaining to me about your locker just wouldn't open or you friends just kept bugging you about asking the girl/guy that you like out, like god take responsibility!

Ok so that is my little rant for the day so YA! love you my lovelies

- Lexi 😘

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