[extra two]

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I pressed myself against the wall, trying to avoid any kind of physical contact. Today was Jin's birthday, and the elder decided to host his party at his gigantic mansion, with more guests than I have problems. Well, I guess I can add the large amount of people getting wasted and throwing their bodies to the beat of the music to my list of problems. Though I showed up to celebrate my friend's birthday, what I really wanted to do was get the hell out of this alcohol induced shithole, and hold my lovely angel in my arms.

Taehyung was also invited, but apparently he had to head straight to his parent's company after he'd finished with his classes. So, being the supportive boyfriend that I am, I profusely assured him that it was alright, and that he should do what his parents have asked of him. There was no way I was getting on Mr. and Mrs. Kim's bad side, by denying their son to go to work, just because I didn't want to be alone at some stupid party.

Sighing, I glared down at the can of beer, in my hand. I really, really, really just wanted to go home. But, sadly, I've only been here for about thirty minutes, and Jin would kill me if I left before eleven. "You'll only go back to the dorms, and mope around until Tae gets back from his parent's company," the elder had said. "I'm ordering you to hang around my party, till at least eleven, alright?"

"What is he? My mother?" I grumbled, taking a sip of the sour beverage. "Ordering me like he's some king." Letting out another sigh, I threw my head back, and chugged down the rest of my drink. One can of beer wasn't going to make me tipsy in the slightest, so it's fine if I finished it. I slowly walked back to the kitchen, so that I could throw away my empty can, seeing how I had nothing else to do.

I wished Taehyung was here. Just his presence would make everything about this situation better. Jin had long ago ditched me, saying that he was going to greet the guests. Honestly, he was probably just in a room, somewhere, making out with Namjoon. Stinking bastard left me to suffer within the mass of sweaty, drunk, college students. Jimin and Yoongi were also probably in a corner somewhere, doing explicit things to each other, while I wallow in being partner-less. Hoseok, lucky guy, managed to escape from this horror house, by saying that he was going back to his hometown to visit his parents. Really, I was sadly, truly, alone.

And even if I wanted to face Jin's wrath for leaving early, I came to the party with Jimin and Yoongi, and I had no money on me. So yeah, I basically had no way to get home. Wonderful.

Of course if someone told the me of four years ago that I would hate partying and getting drunk I would probably laugh in their face. I was a huge party whore, and loved drowning all of my feelings in a bottle of liquid pain reducer. I loved being surrounded by people who thought of me as someone who was above them. I relinquished the feeling of having all of the attention directed at me, whenever I pass by.

Well, obviously, now I absolutely, fucking hate it. I hate how these girls would look me up and down, when they walk by me, and run their tongues over their lips. I hate how random people, who I have no idea are, would suddenly call out my name. It made me feel awkward to wave back, and have to pretend that I had the slightest clue of how they relate to me. Taehyung's attention is the only attention that I'll ever need. No one can ever come close to him.

Feeling exhausted, I managed to reach the kitchen, and throw away my can. I barely glanced at the kids, who were laying across the counters, completely stoned, and began heading towards the main hall. It should be nearing around eleven now, right? Right? To my dismay, when I pulled out my phone, the time flashed, almost mockingly, in my face, saying that it was only ten. "Urghhh!" I groaned, letting my head fall against the wall behind me. Unbelievable. I still had an hour of torture left. Honestly, it felt like years passed by, and time is telling me that I've only spent an hour in this party.

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